Monday 16 September 2024


 If you attended this seminar, you know that this video 'far under-reflects' what was covered over the weekend; that being said, there are some subtle reminders here of key points.  A big OSU to all who attended. 

We are set for a massive 2025.



©︎ André Bertel. Oita City, Japan (2024).

Saturday 14 September 2024

Reference videos for 青柳 (Seiryu)

You can utilize these videos in conjunction with the following notes: André Bertel's Karate-Do: 青柳 (Seiryu): Written Outline - as promised (; furthermore, videos from the September 2024 Freital, Germany Seminar, will be uploaded to my official YouTube Channel soon.


©︎ André Bertel. Oita City, Japan (2024).

Friday 13 September 2024

青柳 (Seiryu): Written Outline - as promised

青柳 (Seiryu)

This kata contains 52 Movements and has kiai on the 31st and 52nd waza. The emphasis is the flexible and soft use of the shoulders; furthermore, a strong base and power generation from various hip actions. In these ways, as the forms name implies, Seiryu mimics a mature willow tree with stable roots, a solid trunk and flexible branches.

PLEASE NOTE: Core aspects of Seiryu kata have been intentionally not included in this description; however, these were taught to the seminar participants.

1. Move the left foot leftward to form hidari hiza-kutsu and execute migi haito jodan furi-uchi. Note – this stance is the ‘in-line zenkutsu’ with the technique directed to the side; thus, the position is formally called ‘hiza-kutsu’.

2. Migi shuto uchimawashi uchi.

3-4. Repeat movements 1-2 on the opposite side.

5. Turn counterclockwise 180 degrees—facing ura shomen to form hidari ashi mae neko ashi dachi with hidari jodan soto-uke flowing into hidari gedan-barai.

6. Drive forward into hidari zenkutsu-dachi with hidari jodan uchi-uke and a simultaneous migi haito jodan sotomawashi uchi.

7. Hidari jodan ura-zuki.

8-10. Turn 180 degrees and repeat movement 5-7 on the opposite side.

11. Step 90 degrees leftward into hidari zenkutsu-dachi with hidari tsukami-uke.

12. Migi shuto jodan sotomawashi-uchi.

13-14. Repeat movements 11-12 on the opposite side.

15. Pivoting on the spot move into hidari zenkutsu-dachi with migi jodan age-zuki.

16. Step forward on the centerline into migi zenkutsu-dachi with migi uraken jodan tatemawashi uchi.

17. Hidari ganken jodan sotomawashi uchi.

18. Migi ganken chudan sotomawashi uchi.

19. Step forward into hidari zenkutsu-dachi with hidari jodan age-zuki.

20. Hidari uraken jodan tatemawashi uchi.

21. Migi ganken jodan sotomawashi uchi.

22. Hidari ganken chudan sotomawashi uchi.

23. Turn 180 degrees clockwise into migi zenkutsu-dachi—facing ura shomen—and execute migi tekubi   kake-uke swinging in a large arc diagonally downward to the right. 

24. Following the same large scale trajectory with hidari haito kesa-uchi.

25. Remaining in migi zenkutsu-dachi use the right lead leg to pivot 45 degrees counterclockwise and make hidari tate haishu jodan kamae and simultaneously attack with migi haito jodan sotomawashi huri-  uchi. Note that the haito uchi descends downward ending at the left side of the waist.


26. Remaining on the angle yori-ashi forward with migi shuto jodan uchimawashi huri-uchi flowing into   hidari haito jodan sotomawashi uchi.

27-30 Repeat movements 23-26 on the opposite side.

31. Turn 315 degrees clockwise to face shomen in migi zenkutsu-dachi with migi shuto jodan   uchimawashi furi-uchi flowing into hidari haito jodan sotomawashi uchi. — Kiai!

32. Turn 180 degrees counterclockwise into hidari ashi mae neko ashi dachi with hidari jodan soto-uke flowing into hidari gedan-barai.

33. Advance the left foot forward into hidari zenkutsu-dachi with hidari uraken jodan mawashi-zuki. Note – this punch makes a large arm then finishes by the right hip. 

34. Hidari jodan uraken yokomawashi uchi.

35. Advance with the right foot into kiba-dachi and execute migi kentsui gedan-uchi.

36. Migi kentsui jodan tatemawashi uchi.

37-41. Pull back the lead leg moving into migi ashi mae neko ashi dachi and repeat movements 32-36 on the opposite side.

42. Turn 270 degree clockwise into migi ashi mae fudo-dachi with migi jodan barai/gaiwan-uchi.

43. Advance into hidari zenkutsu-dachi with hidari naiwan jodan sotomawashi uchi.

44-45. Turn 180 degrees counterclockwise into hidari ashi mae fudo-dachi and repeat movements 42 and 43 on the opposite side.

46. Turn 90 degrees clockwise to face shomen in migi zenkutsu dachi and deliver migi shuto jodan uchimawashi uchi.

47. Immediately flow into hidari haito jodan sotomawashi uchi.

48-49. Turn 180 degrees counterclockwise to face ura shomen and repeat movements 46-47 on the  opposite side.

50. Turn 180 degrees, drawing the right leg in, and move into heisoku-dachi—facing shomen—with gedan kakiwake-uke.

51. Step forward with the right leg into migi zenkutsu-dachi with teisho jodan hasami-uchi.

52. Yori-ashi forward with haito chudan hasami-uchi. — Kiai!

©︎ André Bertel. Oita City, Japan (2024).

Thursday 12 September 2024


I recently completed teaching the 3rd Budo Karate Technical Seminar—in Saxony, Germany—hosted again by ‘Shotokan Karateverein Freital e.V.’ (

"180 participants from 15 countries enjoyed good camaraderie together practicing the bujutsu 技 WAZA (techniques), 応用 OYO (application) and principles of classical Shotokan-Ryu."

This was the last seminar in a series of my international seminars…

To complete the cycle of my teaching in Germany, over the years, I decided to return to the kata 青柳 (SEIRYU). 

This seminar marks a new phase in my teaching outside Japan. Seiryu was the perfect conclusion, as it’s non-standard Shotokan techniques, especially all the wide arcs, and the use of junansei (softness) and muchiken (whip fist) for power “…are elements that can be used to improve  all of the standard 26 Shotokan kata; Asai Sensei’s many bujutsu-kata (which are an extension of the ‘JKA style’); and JISSEN KUMITE (actual fighting/self-defense) effectiveness.

2025 onwards!

I decided that it’s time to move on to teaching a higher level. Accordingly, I'll be teaching many kata not openly taught before; moreover, their respective applications and enhancement of one’s karate skill level. Accordingly, 2025 will be a very exciting year for those attending the seminars.

When and where in 2025?

Insofar as a schedule is concerned—the seminar dates and places will be confirmed as soon as possible—and made public through social media. Of course, in Japan, here at the IKS, the renshusei training continues as always. 

Videos from the Freital 2024 Seminar are coming soon to our official Youtube channel: ANDRE BERTEL - YouTube

Also, as promised at the Freital Seminar (and before the release of the seminar videos), I will also provide a written transcription of Seiryu Kata.


©︎ André Bertel. Oita City, Japan (2024).