Thursday 30 April 2009

Gomen na sai

I’m sorry for my lack of articles lately. Quite simply I’ve had very limited time to write, as naturally, I prioritize karate training over merely writing about it. However, Japan’s annual ‘Golden Week’ (in my case) begins this Saturday, so finally I’ll have some free time…

I'm happy to admit that April has been a very hard month of training for me, and has revealed many points I seriously need to work on. This illustrates a special aspect of karate-do... "It's impossible to have an big ego if one trains seriously". The name Meikyo perfectly 'reflects' this in regards to self-honesty.

I'd like to conclude by saying "The beauty of karate-do is seeking perfection. This humanly unattainable goal means karatedo is a lifelong pursuit. If this pursuit is continued with seriousness, it can only result in the development of positive human attributes." Karate-Do certainly travels upstream, in comparison to the 'instant coffee world' we now live in. Whilst I can never be proud of my karate technique, I can at least be proud of following this 'way'.
Osu, André

© André Bertel, Japan 2009

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