Thursday 4 February 2010

Tokyo Training

Over the weekend visited and taught some karate lessons in Tokyo. I was kindly hosted by Paul and Yuko Kallender Umezu at their apartment in Shibuya, and had a wonderful time there! We did a couple of hours on both Saturday and Sunday focusing on Asai Sensei’s karate, namely using junansei (softness) and snap to generate power. We also worked on Asai-ryuha koten kata and their respective oyo-jutsu (applications). Besides catching up and training with Paul and Yuko, I also caught up with Nick Gardiner (who I haven’t seen for several years), Takane Konishi and Pieter Van Wyk who I met in 2006. I really appreciate all of these guys and are very thankful for their friendship and hospitality.

In addition to the sessions I taught, it was also a great privilege to participate in a lesson taught by Ibusuke Sakae Sensei, one of the few living karateka who was taught by Gichin Funakoshi Sensei. I was happy that he seemed to like my karate (he emphasised that "he has no time for sports budo"), and was very thankful for the tips he kindly offered. An absolute gentleman and real character! After training we enjoyed a delicious lunch at Eatalia with him. I was deeply impressed by his vast experience, manner and great sense of humour!

Another highlight for me was the delicious dinner at Nick and Takane’s apartment in Shoto. Again, absolutely wonderful! In Oita-ben "shinken oishi."

Overall I’d like to thank Paul, Yuko, Nick, Takane, Pieter and Ibusuki Sensei for the great training and excellent time. Also to Scott for coming along to watch the lesson, even though he was injured. Such enthusiasm for karate always impresses me deeply.

I sincerely hope you all enjoyed the sessions and that they further enhance your karate-do. You perfectly, in the technical sense, experienced Tetsuhiko Asai Sensei's Socho-geiko (morning training). Something that very few, even the most senior Japanese instructors have experienced.
Again, thank you all for your kindness. I am very honoured to be your friend through karate-do.

Osu, André

© André Bertel, Japan (2010).

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