Thursday 2 September 2010

Kangeiko at Arthur's Pass

Today I did Kangeiko (Special Winter Training) at Arthur's Pass in the South Island of New Zealand.

To break the current training routine and push myself beyond my personal limits I concentrated on high repetitions of gyaku-zuki, mae-geri, koken (kakuto) yokomawashi uchi and four kata (Tekki-sandan, Empi, Wankan and Sensho). For strength training I utilised various plyometric forms of squat thrusts, tobi-keriwwaza (as pictured) and variations of elevated push ups. Needless to say, five minutes into the practice and the coldness was no longer noticeable!

After completing training amidst the beauty of the South Island scenery, Mizuho and I enjoyed the incredible sights for the remainder of the afternoon. The conclusion is that the South Island of New Zealand is nothing less than breathtaking!
In addition to the photos kindly taken by Mizuho as I trained, I've posted some pictures to showcase Arthur's Pass a little. I hope you enjoy them. OSU!

© André Bertel, New Zealand 2010.

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