Tuesday 7 September 2010

Training continues...

I bring this new regime to you with burning leg muscles from very hard training. I missed a day of practice (due to the earthquake we had here in Christchurch), so there has been no holding back in my self-training since then. Here is my new routine for September.

Kihon: (1) Chudan oi zuki kara chudan gyaku zuki, jodan age uke, chudan gyaku zuki, chudan soto uke, chudan gyaku zuki, gedan barai, chudan gyaku zuki, shuto uke (kokutsu dachi) soshite nukite; (2) Long distance mae geri; (3) Close range mawashi geri; (4) Seiken jodan juji uke kara tobi mae nidan geri soshite uraken tatemawashi uchi; (5) Ushiro geri kara uraken yokomawashi uchi soshite gyaku zuki; (6) Yoko keage kara yoko kekomi ; (7) Shuto yokomawashi uchi kara kaitenshinagara empi uchi (kiba dachi) soshite mawari nagara sagata shuto uchimawashi uchi; (8) Uraken yokomawashi uchi; (9) Hidari jodan kizami zuki kara migi chudan gyaku zuki; and (10) Migi jodan kizami zuki kara hidari chudan gyaku zuki. {The repetitions remain the same as my previous training schedule}.

Kata: (a) Kihon-gata: Heian & Junro; (b) Jiyu-gata: Unsu; & (c) Koten-gata: Kakuyoku. {I'm typically doing between one and three kata multiple times each session. {The technical focus at present is on economy of motion, smoothness/fluidity, relaxation and snap}.

Kumite: I’m presently working a lot on variations of kaeshi ippon kumite (reaction one step sparring) a training drill I used to enjoy doing with `very energetic’ Japanese university karateka. This form of kumite is based on the strategy that “the best defence is offence”. {My typical routine at present is one round warming up applying slow motion fundamentals, followed by four or five bouts at full pace}.

© André Bertel. New Zealand, 2010.

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