Sunday 24 October 2010

Training schedule updated

Kihon: (1) Chudan oi-zuki (fudo-dachi); (2) Jodan age-uke kara mawashi-geri, uraken yokomawashi uchi soshite chudan oi zuki; (3) Chudan soto-uke karate yori-ashi (kiba-dachi) yoko empi uchi, uraken yokomawashi uchi doji ni mae-ashi yoko-kekomi soshite chudan gyaku-zuki; (4) Chudan shuto-uke (kokutsu-dachi) kara mae-ashi mae-geri soshite shihon nukite; (5) Chudan uchi-uke kara jodan kizami-zuki soshite chudan gyaku-zuki; (6) Chudan mae-ashi mae-geri kara jodan mae geri; (7) Chudan mae-ashi mawashi-geri kara jodan mawashi-geri; (8) Ushiro-geri kara uraken yokomawashi uchi soshite gyaku-zuki; (9) Yoko-kekomi ashi o kaete yoko keage (kiba-dachi); (10) Jodan shuto yokomawashi uchi kara jodan shuto uchimawashi uchi.

KEY POINTS: - (a) Transfer of body weight especially in regards to keriwaza with the lead leg. (b) Natural as opposed to extreme shomen and hanmi (Asai Sensei style - i.e 10% lead hip forward in shomen & around 45% for hanmi). And (c) Leg/foot coordination.

Kata: (Kihon-gata) A variety of Heian, Junro, Tekki & Kibaken; (Sentei-gata) Jion; (Shotokan ryu jiyu-gata) Unsu; and (Asai ryu koten-gata) Yokotawaru-tatsu &
Special focus on sen no sen via uchikomi training. Recently much training in class, and in my private lessons/trainings has been specifically for jiyu-kumite. The key focus in this practice has been correct maai for "optimal effect" in the traditional sense.

© André Bertel. New Zealand, 2010.

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