Thursday 2 June 2011

Jodan, chudan, gedan...

My two hour self-training yesterday consisted of only two techniques in ido-kihon; oi-zuki (chasing punch) and mae-geri (front snap kick). These were practiced individually then in combination with a mix of chudan/middle-level and jodan/upper-level targets . Here are the eight VERY SIMPLE ido-kihonwaza which I practiced:

(1a) Chudan oi-zuki in two steps; (1b) Chudan oi-zuki (pictured); (2) Jodan oi-zuki; (3a) Chudan mae-geri in three steps; (3b) Chudan mae-geri in two steps; (3c) Chudan mae-geri; (4) Jodan mae-geri; (5a) Chudan mae-geri kara chudan oi-zuki in two steps; (5b) Chudan mae-geri kara chudan oi-zuki; (6) Chudan mae-geri kara jodan oi-zuki; (7) Jodan mae geri kara chudan oi-zuki; & (8) Jodan mae-geri kara jodan oi-zuki (pictured below).

My reason for writing this post: A important point in solo kihon & kata training is practicing to punch at chudan, and jodan, in relation to your own physique - these are 'your own' solar plexus and chin heights respectively. All too often I have to correct beginners for punching too high for jodan, or too high, or too low, for chudan. Centralising your techniques is also a key point . Keep in mind that decisive targeting in solo training facilitates pin-point accuracy in kumite (where the opponents height, distance and movement alter where you aim your techniques).

Conclusion: Whilst this is `common sense', to maximise training, we really must be strict on ourselves. When doing solo practice make sure that chudan IS CHUDAN, jodan IS JODAN, and (not mentioned today) gedan IS GEDAN. If nothing else, I hope this is a good reminder. I for one certainly need them! All the very best, OSU.

© André Bertel, Christchurch, New Zealand 2011.

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