Saturday 24 September 2011

The only way forward is with the humble mind of a beginner

Training is going well at present with special emphasis on the correct contrasting of the fundamental Heian, Junro and Joko kata; thereby, positively influencing kihon and kumite. Overall, the focus remains on the things that matter to achieve ichigeiki-hissatsu, as opposed to merely `scoring points' or 'looking pretty'. On the whole, the key lesson remains: that is, simple is best, and no matter how long or hard one trains, the only way forward is with the humble mind of a beginner. Osu, André Bertel.



1. (Jiyu-dachi) Tobi-konde jodan kizami-zuki kara sanbon-zuki.
2. (Jiyu-dachi) Tobi-konde jodan kizami-zuki kara chudan mae-geri soshite jodan oi-zuki.
3. (Kiba-dachi) Kosa-aiyumiashi yoko-keage ashi o kaete yoko-kekomi.
4. Ippo-sagatte jodan age-uke kara mawashi-geri, yoko uraken-uchi soshite chudan oi-zuki.
5. Chudan ushiro-geri kara yoko uraken-uchi soshite chudan gyaku-zuki.
6. Sonoba ren-geri: Mae-geri kara yoko-geri soshite ushiro-geri (migi/hidari).

Kata and Bunkai/Oyo-jutsu
Monday: Heian-shodan, Junro-shodan & Junro-issei.
Tuesday: Heian-nidan, Junro-nidan & Joko-nisei.
Wednesday: Heian-sandan, Junro-sandan & Joko-sansei.
Thursday: Heian-yondan, Junro-yondan & Joko-yonsei.
Friday: Heian-godan, Junro-godan & Joko-gosei.

Jokyu gohon-kumite and Jiyu ippon-kumite
Application of the five Joko kata.

* Saturday & Sunday practices are presently `free-training' (no set schedule) i.e. - tokui-gata & jiyu-kumite.

© André Bertel (2011). Christchurch, New Zealand.

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