Tuesday 3 September 2013

My updated self-training regime

Here is my updated training regime. While my karate is not so good, I am constantly seeking to improve it - and of course - diligent training is the only way!

On the news front, I am looking forward to meeting up with a couple of very well-known instructors in the coming month... More about this later...

All the very best from Aso-shi, Kumamoto-ken, Japan.

Osu, André


Stationary kihon

1. Chudan choku-zuki (Hachinoji-dachi de tate-shuto no kamae); 2. Chudan jun-zuki (Hachinoji-dachi de tate-shuto no kamae: alternately advancing into zenkutsu-dachi then return to hachinoji-dachi); 3/4. Jodan kizami-zuki kara chudan gyaku-zuki (Hidari to migi zenkutsu-dachi de gyaku-zuki no kamae); 5. Chudan mae-geri (Heisoku-dachi de gedan kakiwake no kamae); 6/7. Chudan mae-geri (Hidari to migi zenkutsu-dachi de gedan kakiwake no kamae); & 8. Chudan yoko-keage (Heisoku-dachi de gedan kakiwake no kamae).

·        30-50 repetitions of each (not including a slow warm-up of 10 repetitions).


1. Chudan jun-zuki; 2. Sambon ren-zuki; 3. Mae-geri kara jun-zuki; 4. Yoko-kekomi kara gyaku-zuki; 5. Mawashi-geri kara gyaku-zuki; 6. Yoko-keage ashi o kaete yoko-kekomi; 7. Ippo sagatte jodan age-uke kara mawashi-geri, yoko uraken-uchi soshite chudan jun-zuki; 8. Chudan soto-uke kara yoko-empi, yoko uraken-uchi soshite gyaku-zuki; 9. Chudan uchi-uke (kokutsu-dachi) kara kizami-zuki soshite gyaku-zuki; 10. Chudan shuto-uke (kokutsu-dachi) kara kizami mae-geri soshite shihon nukite; 11. Ippo sagatte gedan braai kara chudan jun-zuki soshite chudan jun-zuki; & 12. Renzoku-geri: Mae-geri kara yoko-kekomi, mawashi-geri soshite gyaku-zuki.

·        20-30 repetitions of each (not including a slow warm-up of 5-10 repetitions).

·        Please note: the stance in ido-kihon is zenkutsu-dachi unless otherwise noted.


Uchikomi practice: In addition to the `standard waza’ this month I am focusing on `legs followed by hands’ i.e. – mawashi-geri kara gyaku-zuki; mae-geri kara jun-zuki etcetera. My emphasis is on attacking with a strong penetrating keriwaza (with high knee action and full body power/body weight committed) then mixing up the timing my hand attacks. For example, landing the punches `kihon style’ with stance completion; before landing; and after landing—with a defence being focused during my kicking attacks (i.e. – as in kaeshi ippon kumite).

·        30 times for each variation at maximum speed; varying timing between each rep.


Bassai-Sho & Gankaku
·        Eight repetitions of each (alternately slow then fast) changing direction each time i.e. two times to the north, then south, east and west.

·        Primarily focusing on relaxation `on the launch’ of techniques and full use of the hips.

·        Secondly, on moderation of tachikata.

© André Bertel. Kumamoto, Japan (2013).


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