Wednesday 22 May 2024

Today's training (Routine Deviation)

Here’s a brief outline of my two-hour self-training here in the dojo today. I've posted this as it deviates from my current daily routine, which is something I intermittently do based on discoveries in practice and, ultimately, optimization of my time on the floor each day.

Conclusion of my daily self-training. Wednesday, May 22nd, 2024.



1. 横猿臂  (平行立ちから前屈立ち)

Basic yoko-enpi from Heiko-dachi moving into kiba-dachi. (a) Alternate yoko-enpi right and leftward into kiba-dachi—from and returning to heiko-dachi; (b) as previous but add turning 90 degrees and advancing in kiba dachi to the front; (c) as previous but add spinning 360 degrees to the front.


2. 縦猿臂から後ろ猿臂、前猿臂そして横猿臂  (平行立ち)

Stationary tate-enpi followed by ushiro-enpi, mae-enpi and yoko-enpi alternatively in heiko-dachi. Variation: when executing yoko-enpi step outward into 騎馬立ち(kiba-dachi).


3. 前猿臂から回転しながら横猿臂  (平行立ち)

From heiko-dachi with tateshuto make mae-enpi then with this momentum spin to make yoko-enpi. Variation: when spinning change into 騎馬立ち(kiba-dachi).


4. 移動基本:中段外受けから寄り足横猿臂  (前屈立ちから前屈立ち)

Standard syllabus “Idokihon”: Chudan soto-uke kara yoko-enpi (zenkutsu-dachi kara kiba-dachi); also practiced with the additional waza of 裏拳横回し打ち(uraken yokomawashi uchi) and 中段逆突き (chudan gyaku-zuki) transferring forward into zenkutsu-dachi).



横猿臂の応用 (Practical application of yoko-enpi). Note the use of direct impacts in various directions and the pragmatic utilization of 転身 (tenshin). In particular, a focus on dealing with attacks from the surprise and rear.



Today’s kata practice was simply focused on dynamic actions—waza, unsoku and tachikata—furthermore, 力の強弱  (Chikara no kyojaku: basically ‘forcefulness and lightness’).


順路三段 (Junro Sandan)

燕飛 (Enpi)

慈恩 (Jion)

舞鶴大 (Maizuru Dai)



アンドレ  バーテル

© André Bertel. Oita City, Japan (2024).

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