Monday 1 July 2024

Freital Seminar: September 2024... A New Beginning

The upcoming seminar in Freital (Germany), this September, will mark a new beginning of technical courses where a lot of untaught knowledge will be passed on.

My first aim has been to lay out the base aspects of ‘old school Shotokan’. Whilst the next step is to begin sharing the more advanced aspects underpinned by this foundation.

The COVID-19 pandemic slowed this process down by three years; however, we are back on track from next year.

A lot of points that have not been taught outside of Japan will be taught, including many kata and their respective oyo (applications). One aspect that I won’t cover will be the base exercises of Asai Tetsuhiko Sensei. I’ve done these enough in
courses, and while I use them in my own personal training, I will not put them into future seminars. Rather I want to use the time to share more kata and their respective bujutsu uses.

My hope is that all karateka can learn as much as possible from upcoming seminars; furthermore, irrespective of age, health and existing injuries, to be able to fully participate and enjoy the practices. For those practicing traditional
Shotokan, the upcoming seminars will be both exciting and inspiring. Greetings and warm wishes from Oita City, Kyushu, Japan.

Lastly, for those who manage to book places the upcoming seminar in Freital, see you soon!

© André Bertel. Oita City, Japan (2024).

Only set hips = Proper understanding of hips

Ido-Kihon: Mae-geri keage

Only by setting the hips, that is from the baseline practice of the various waza in 正面 (Shomen), can one properly utilize the hips; that is, the various actions of them in relation to techniques.

One point that I stress in my teaching is that “what the hips do is underpinned by the legs, and ideally results in the  lower and upper body being optimally harmonious.

That is why in sonoba kihon-renshu, whilst standing in shizentai it is common to keep the hips and shoulders square when executing ukewaza.

Needless to say, this practice is also isolation training of the form; however, and again for higher grades, the key point is the core and the use of natural energy.

With this point in mind, here is my current self-training regime.

Overview of my current self-training regime

その場基本 (Sonoba Kihon)

1.    中段平行突き (平行立ち): Chudan heiko-zuki (Heiko-dachi).
2.    中段直突き (平行立ち) : Chudan choku-zuki (Heiko-dachi).
3.    上段直突き (平行立ち: Jodan choku-zuki (Heiko-dachi).
4.    上段揚げ受け (平行立ち): Jodan age-uke (Heiko-dachi).
5.    中段外受け (平行立ち): Chudan soto-uke (Heiko-dachi).
6.    中段内受け (平行立ち): Chudan uchi-uke (Heiko-dachi).
7.    下段払い  (平行立ち): Gedan-barai (Heiko-dachi).
8.    手刀中段受け (平行立ち): Shuto chudan-uke (Heiko-dachi).
9.    右手刀中段受け (右足前レの字立): Migi shuto chudan-uke (Migi ashi mae renoji-dachi).
10.    左手刀中段受け (左足前レの字立) : Hidari shuto chudan-uke (Hidari ashi mae renoji-dachi).
11.    手刀上段外回し打ち (平行立ち): Shuto jodan sotomawashi-uchi (Heiko-dachi).
12.    膝蹴り (閉足立ち): Hiza-geri (Heisoku-dachi).
13.    前蹴り蹴上げ 膝蹴り (閉足立ち): Mae-geri keage (Heisoku-dachi).

移動基本 (Ido Kihon)
14.    中段追い突き (前屈立ち): Chudan oi-zuki (Zenkutsu-dachi).
15.    中段前蹴り蹴上げから中段追い突き (前屈立ち): Chudan mae-geri keage kara chudan oi-zuki (Zenkutsu-dachi).

組手 (Kumite)

A.    Jiyu Kumite specific strength training
B.    Impact work: targeting accuracy and explosiveness.
C.    型の応用  (Kata no Oyo): Application of Kata.

型  (Kata)

I.    One from 平安 (Heian), 鉄騎 (Tekki), 順路 (Junro) or 常行 (Joko).
II.    One standard Shotokan-ryu kata: presently 半月 (Hangetsu).
III.    One from the 古典型 (Koten-gata): presently 三十八歩 (Sanjuhachiho).

Ido-Kihon: Jodan age-uke.

Movement two of Seishan (Hangetsu Kata).

アンドレ  バーテル

© André Bertel. Oita City, Japan (2024).