Sunday 29 September 2024

Trainee from Biebesheim, Germany

Dominic Jährling (Shodan) from Biebesheim, Germany recently came as a Renshusei here in Oita City.

(1) The KIHON (Fundamentals) are everything in karate. They determine one's technical level and effectiveness.
(2) The form of KIHON is not for looks but optimal efficiency and bodily effectiveness.


Overall, while I won’t go into details, the focus was improving subtle aspects of his KIHON naturally through both sonoba-kihon and ido-kihon, but also via kata and the different forms of yakusoku-kumite. Of course, collectively all of these elements culminate in effective jiyu-kumite.

A paramount factor is for each individual to find the best karate for their physique, personal attributes, and so on. This is an aspect that I stress to all Renshusei, and Dominic was of course no exception.
As always, in line with Asai Sensei’s methodologies—relaxation to transcend muscular power—was high on the agenda and, therefore, smoothness and ‘reactive adaptability’. Needless to say, these aspects are utterly imperative when karate is practiced as 武術 (BUJUTSU).
To conclude, it was not only great to see Dominic improve in his skills, power, and understanding of Karate, it was also a really nice time outside of the trainings.

Dominic, I wish you the very best, 押忍!
© André Bertel. Oita City, Japan (2024).

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