Saturday, 11 January 2025

2025 寒稽古 (Kangeiko)

 My 寒稽古 (Kangeiko) this year, as always, comprised of “the three ‘K’s”:  基本 (Kihon), 組手 (Kumite) and 型 (Kata). From here I’ll outline a few specifics…

基本 (Kihon):

Rather than list everything, I will simply mention some areas where I focused my attention. Firstly, lots of work on suri-ashi directly and with direction changes in both zenkutsu-dachi and kokutsu-dachi; secondly, in contracting the ankle and foot when kicking with josokutei/koshi, sokuto and kakato; thirdly, natural hip action in keriwaza harmonizing the lower and upper body ; fourthly, correct use of energy in ukewaza, tsukiwaza and uchiwaza; fifthly, large scale tsuki-waza with focus on strong seiken, relaxed shoulders, ground power and extension; and sixthly, strict mental control―before, during and after all actions; moreover,  残心 (Zanshin).

組手 (Kumite):

Expanding on the focal point of 残心 (Zanshin) I dedicated my Kumite practice to Kaeshi Ippon Kumite. Whilst there are various versions of this, in IKS it is basically an extension of Jiyu Ippon Kumite; that is, after the defender makes their free choice counterattack, the initial attacker attempts to defend and counter against this. In other words, “…as they make their attack their mind and reactivity is simultaneously in a defensive mode”. In actuality, one’s aim should be to hit with the initial attack, then hit again whilst being ready for any attack from the opponent before, during or after this engagement.

型 (Kata):

While I informally practiced some other kata also, the following five kata formed the core of my practice:

平安初段 (Heian Shodan)

鉄騎初段 (Tekki Shodan)

半月 (Hangetsu)

燕飛 (Enpi)

五十四歩大 (Gojushiho Dai)

My aim through these kata was to heighten the practice of the points being worked in kihon and kumite; furthermore, review key 応用 (Oyo).

In conclusion, reflecting on this year's Kangeiko, I have found many acute details for me to work on in the coming weeks. Overall, a positive start for the new year. Once again, I wish everyone a happy, healthy and productive 2025.



© André Bertel. Oita City, Japan (2025).

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