The Japanese Proverb of 善は急げ (which is read: ぜんはいそげ or "Zen wa isoge") implies 'not to procrastinate". I felt this was an ideal title for this post.
After my daily keiko today, I turn my thoughts towards Aotearoa (NEW ZEALAND). I’ll be traveling there from tomorrow to conduct an exclusive セミナー (Seminar) in Christchurch City. For those who managed to book a place in this ‘limited number of participants’ budo event… おめでとうございます!Congratulations!!!
With that in mind I’d like the opportunity to highlight ‘who can come’ and ‘who can’t come’ to my seminars: or here to Japan as a 練習生 (Renshusei).
The answer to that is: there are no politics!
That is, everyone who is serious about traditional Japanese Budo Karate is welcome.
Here in Japan, while I mostly instruct Shotokan Karateka, I also instruct high-level exponents from Shito Ryu, Goju Ryu, Wado Ryu and some other Kaiha/Ryuha as well. In sum, Karate Famiy!
Those who cannot come to my seminars are simply those who missed the available places at the seminar (usually determined by the Dojo and/or Sports Hall buildings ‘maximum number of people’/capacity, or the organizers ‘cap’ on the maximum number of attendees at the event).

In the case of wanting to be a Renshusei, it’s simply a case of the applicant booking the days and hours before someone else does. It is literally a ‘first-in-first-served’ system, which is necessary for me as a professional karate instructor in Japan).
Another question I’m constantly asked is “What is the easiest times to book being a Renshusei? The answer to this is 12月 (December) and 1月 (January); that being said, it is really essential to still secure your booking early, as intermittently I get a wave of Renshsusei in these months.
Accordingly, secure your days and times—so that they are yours!!!
Likewise, for those wishing to book a December or January Seminar, again, it is 'first-in-first-served'.
Last but not least, for those attending the upcoming Seminar in New Zealand, see you in Christchurch on February 15th and 16th. Please come knowing that it will be a time of sharing world-class knowledge from Japan—to improve your karate; furthermore, it will be in a spirit of mutual respect and friendship.
©︎ André Bertel. Oita City, Japan (2025).
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