I’d like to add here that I HATE KARATE PHILOSOPHY WHICH IS NOT RELATED TO ACTUAL TRAINING (there are far too many 'karate-wafflers', with all the theories under the sun, who can’t do high-level karate, and never could ). We must talk with our waza, and establish philosophies/strategies to help us to 'physically' keep achieving results (better put - 'keep improving our technique'). Train first... Talk and/or write later! That is, if you are blessed with the time, and desire to do so. Personally I find making posts and discussing karate is really beneficial when recovering from fatigue, and those inevitable muscle pains, strains, impact injuries etc. But we must always remember, someone who only talks, and perhaps teaches karate, is not a karateka, unless they seriously train themselves.
I have simplified my ido kihon back to 'grass roots' training as follows: (1) Chudan oi zuki; (2) Sanbon zuki; (3) Chudan mae geri or Sambon geri; (4) Chudan mae geri kara chudan oi zuki; (5) Chudan mawashi geri; (6) Chudan mawashi geri kara chudan gyaku zuki); (7) Yoko keage or Yoko keage ashi o kaete yoko kekomi (kiba dachi); (8) Yoko kekomi or ushiro geri; (9) Gedan barai; (10) Gedan barai kara chudan gyaku zuki (sometimes with kaiten shinagara); (11) Jodan age uke; (12) Jodan age uke kara chudan gyaku zuki; (13) Chudan soto ude uke; (14) Chudan soto ude uke kara chudan gyaku zuki or Chudan soto ude uke kara yori ashi (into kiba dachi) chudan yoko empi uchi (sometimes I'm adding uraken yokomawashi uchi); (15) Chudan uchi ude uke; (16) Chudan uchi uke kara chudan gyaku zuki or Chudan uchi uke kara kizami zuki sara ni chudan gyaku zuki; (17) Chudan shuto uke (kokutsu dachi); and (18) Chudan shuto uke (kokutsu dachi) kara shihon nukite
My kihon fired into the air is 'precision training', I also couple this with impact work on the makiwara and heavy bag (power training). Typically I do 30-100 repetitions of all my stationary kihon techniques (on each side). With ido-kihon, I do at least 10-20 repetitions of each technique. As stated in past posts, I tend to also do around 10 warm up techniques (in slow motion) for both stationary and line-work.
For KUMITE training: Practical/combative application of Heian-godan and Tekki-shodan (I love the seize, hit and choke/break techniques, as they suit my 'style'). I'm also training the first four of Asai sensei's combination attacks (applying 'Go no sen) which all utilize ducking and entering, rotational, and reverse rotational movements. These techniques tie in nicely with the Heian/Tekki techniques, but work on a more elusive (more advanced, if that exists?) approach, as opposed to seizing from the onset of a violent encounter.
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