Saturday 13 July 2024

Trainee from Hungary: Levente Antal Szava (2nd Dan)

Levente Antal Szava (Nidan) from Hungary recently came to study karate here in Oita City. During his training as a renshusei he expressed the wish to expand his understanding of karate in very specific terms. 

Using the Level Four and Level Five (the final two IKS Dan Examination Kihon requirements - Shodan and Nidan) I focused on teaching him the core mechanics of classical Shotokan. 

In particular, by his request, the kata NIJUSHIHO, KAKUYOKU and RAKUYO were of high priority. Insofar as kumite is concerned, the focus was on the bujutsu oyo/application of kata; furthermore, how to practice optimally and not damage the body.

In sum, Levente said that he had never learned so much detail on karate. What is most great for me is to see karateka REALLY IMPROVE and know that this improvement will 'snowball' for them.

Many Japanese instructors and competitors are now saying the course is absolutely SECOND TO NONE in Japan. So, we are definitely on the right track for instructors, elite competitors and all of those seeking TRUE KARATE.

I wish Levente the very best in his training and a safe journey home to Hungary.

OSU! -- AB

© André Bertel. Oita City, Japan (2024).

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