Friday 12 July 2024

Trainee from Norway: Christoffer (Shodan)

Budo Karate - "Correct Kumite Maai" Practice.

 Christoffer (Shodan) from Norway recently came to Oita for training. Travelling with his lovely girlfriend, Cecilie, it was wonderful to spend time with them both in and out of the dojo.

Teaching Gojushiho Dai Kata.

Of course, besides a few still images here, I will not specifically detail Christoffer's training except to say that 'we covered points specific for his immediate and long-term karate development'. For those who haven't experienced it, this is the core objective of the Renshusei Training here.

Inherently, this requires seamlessly connecting 'the Three K's'--KIHON, KATA and KUMITE—the 'technical trinity' of Karate​. That is, all three elements must boost each other; thereby, collectively be harmonious for the learning, development and perfective of BUDO/BUJUTSU KARATE-WAZA.

Phase One of learning: Instructor Guidance

Phase Two: Independant action (Ref. - Zygotsky's ZPD - "Zone of Proximal Development").

I taught Christoffer 五十四歩大 (Gojushiho Dai) which, of course, is the longest of the longest of the 26 standard Shotokan-Ryu kata. Based on his physique and individual attributes I felt that either Gojushiho Dai or Gojushiho Sho would really suit him. I taught Gojushiho Dai as, while I teach Sho, I'm a 'Dai' specialist.

The kumite focus was on 'Bujutsu karate no maai'; that is, "...waza must be landed at the correct distance to cause maximum damage". 

In these regards I'd like to quote an article I published in August of 1996: 

"Accordingly, the maxim in authentic karate (irrespective of style) is: "if sun-dome is not followed, the waza will cause maximum damage to the target". Unlike sports karate, where 'reaching the target' is what is required, the objective of true karate is the constant striving for ichigeki-hissatsu in each and every bodily action."

I'd like to say here that besides being a great guy and fun to hang out with, I was deeply impressed by his learning style. He takes his time and really analyzes his own movements as he is being taught. In sum, he did very well, and I really enjoyed coaching him.

His intelligent learning style in combination with the points covered here in the dojo will see Christoffer's skill really improve, especially when the details we covered sink deeper into his 'Karate DNA'.  

Lastly, my family and I would like to wish Christoffer and Cecilie the very best​ for their remaining time here in Japan.



© André Bertel. Oita City, Japan (2024).

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