Friday, 27 December 2024

Conclusive trainings of 2024

As we come to the end of 2024, I'd like to wish EVERYONE - friends and foes alike - a VERY HAPPY AND HEALTHY 2025.

A special thanks to my seniors, peers and students here in Japan, and also around the world. 2025 International Seminars will be announced soon.

The last quarter of 2025 is also now open for Renshusei to book and Seminar negotiations. I hope that we can also have a seminar outside Japan sometime in October or November. We are on a mission to spread old-school Shotokan as Budo/Bujutsu, also Asai Sensei's karate knowledge unspoiled. Again, as always, we must operate on a 'first-in-first-served' basis. Therefore, to secure your training, please book early so everything is in concrete; that is, "days and hours, owned by you".

Insofar as my training is going. From now until the end of the year, I'm going through all of the high-level kata in detail. Also, I'm doing the most basic Shotokan-Ryu. For example, mae-geri from heisoku-dachi and stationary zenkutsu-dachi; kizami-zuki kara gyaku-zuki; oi-zuki; shuto-uke; etc... Very simple and detailed training. To quote Asai Sensei "BASICS INSIDE OF BASICS".  

2025 will be a very big year for IKS. For the time being, here in Japan, we still have four more days of training to conclude 2024.


                                 © André Bertel. Oita City, Japan (2024).

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