Monday, 9 December 2024

Trainee from Kumamoto: Ryo Shimizu

 Last weekend, Shimizu Ryo San (Nidan), from Kumamoto, came as a renshusei/trainee. The focus was on the core kihon, three kata and jiyu-kumite.

The kihon was 'kata-centric'. Bassai Dai and Sochin were reviewed in detail. Furthermore, I taught him UNSU, which I believe is ideal for his physique and fighting style.

The jiyu-kumite practice was to build up his existing skills and expand on them. I utilized a common drill we use in IKS. This is 'soft jiyu-kumite'. This training method is playful and, with a good training partner, is safe and builds skill rapidly. Skill not only for Shotokan style 'Shobu Ippon Kumite', but also base skills for self-defense (reactivity, distancing and timing, etc..). 

Unsu Kata

Fuse mawashi-geri: Unsu

Kensei-waza, Henka-waza, and so forth (from Unsu Kata) could be tested, evaluated and practiced in the jiyu-kumite practice. Most importantly, adherence to the kihon (the fundamental techniques of Karate-Do).

Below is a direct link to YouTube to some of the kumite training, which I base on Vygotsky’s 'ZPD'; also, before that, here's a brief article from 2011 which underpins my coaching methodology:

© André Bertel. Oita City, Japan (2024).

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