With not so many repetitions I'm presently using the following 10 techniques for ido-kihon practice. Typically eight times each very slowly followed by eight times with snap. The main focus being full use of the legs and hips, maintenance of excellent posture and the avoidance of 'muscle force'. Please note I have not included here my daily repetitions of gyaku zuki and mae geri (from stationary hidari and migi zenkutsu-dachi).
(1) Chudan oi zuki; (2) Jodan age uke kara chudan gyaku zuki; (3) Chudan soto uke kara chudan gyaku zuki; (4) Chudan uchi uke kara chudan gyaku zuki; (5) Tenshin gyaku zuki (Kaiten shinagara gedan barai kara chudan gyaku zuki); (6) Chudan shuto uke (kokutsu dachi)
This is my current kata training routine. For those who attended the recent technical seminars I taught in Germany and Italy, you will
Kihon-gata: (a) Heian/Tekki; & (b) Junro/Kibaken (Shotokan & Asai-ryuha kihon kata: Alternate days).
Since returning to Japan 'Kihon ippon kumite' (Basic one step sparring) has been the main focus. The key points include dropping (compressing) in defense, with a full rotation into hanmi, then sharply counter rotating into shomen. Throughout this process the spine, from the head to the tail bone does not tilt, but rather, remains vertical. And even more stressed is the attack, where the ma'ai (distance) is integral for making the training, for both partners, productive. Just to name one crucial point, often done incorrectly... "The attacker must be aiming to hit, and reserve the rotation, from a full hanmi into 'tight/locked shomen', until the end of t
© André Bertel, Japan 2010.