Saturday 5 October 2024



Meikyo Sandan is an old kata originating from Ishimine Rohai of Tomari-Te. The use of both ippon-ken and nakadaka ippon-ken; furthermore, sagi-ashi dachi is predominant in this kata.

More profound is the subtle use of tai-sabaki on the various 45-degree angles. This should be studied and is more advanced than the previous two Rohai/Meikyo forms.

The original kata uses the tsuru-ashi dachi of Gankaku/Chinto; however, Asai Tetsuhiko Sensei preferred the frontal raise of the knee for offensive purposes. I dedicate this video to Asai Sensei and a personal friend in New York. I hope this spartan video clarifies my notes!

© André Bertel. Oita City, Japan (2024).

Tuesday 1 October 2024

Freital 2024 Seminar Vids from Oliver Schömburg ("Willow Tree" Parts I & 2)

My dear friend Oliver Schömburg is a karateka, digital creator and engineer based in Northern Germany.

He professionally filmed and edited my recent course in FREITAL, GERMANY last month. Thanks so much Olli!!

Please check out these latest videos by clicking on the direct links below; furthermore, be sure to check out the other great content on his YOUTUBE CHANNEL: olliwaa - YouTube




© André Bertel. Oita City, Japan (2024).