If you are keen to participate, just send some questions with your name and location attached. If you wish to remain anonymous, please clearly state that. However, I’ll publish what country/city/region you are from. Questions can be on anything ‘karate related’. Technical aspects, training methods, karate here in Japan, you name it! Brain twisters and simple ones... If you have some controversial questions, or wish to critique my karate, fire away. If it's interesting enough, it will go online. I’m open-minded to constructive criticism (one must be, if they want to progress in karate). I'll be the first person to admit that I'm still a beginner and hungry to keep improving. As stated from the onset, this website is all about training! It is about the now and the future.
Obviously if there are too many questions, I’ll select the ones, which I deem the most interesting and useful, for the site. If there are not enough questions I’ll simply can the idea.
To be decisive, the ‘close-off date’ for questions will be one week from tomorrow (Tuesday, October 14th, 2008). Please email your question (or list of questions) to www.andrebertel@hotmail.com
Kindest regards and a big "Arigato gozaimasu" to everyone who has supported my first 100 posts.
Kindest regards and a big "Arigato gozaimasu" to everyone who has supported my first 100 posts.
OSU, André
© André Bertel, Japan 2008
© André Bertel, Japan 2008
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