Saturday 19 May 2012

Updated Training Regime

Here's my present training regime. I have to say that it has been positively improved by recent visits by Keigo Abe Sensei (9th Dan JSKA). My target in karate-do is to train properly as a karate student. After 30+ years of training, what more can I ask? Exceeding the standards of the last decade of kenshusei graduates would make anyone yawn, so according to the feedback I've recieved from Asai Tetsuhiko Sensei (before he passed away), Abe Keigo Sensei and especially Ibusuki Sakae Sensei, I am on the right track. Osu, Andre. 


KIHON: Practice of points made by Abe Keigo Shihan in Christchurch last week; in particular, aspects of ashi-hakobi/unsoku and ‘wind-ups’ in the core Shotokan-ryu ido-kihon waza.

KATA: Bassai-sho & Unsu + random kihongata (Heian, Tekki or Junro).

KUMITE: (1a) Uchikomi – kogekiwaza*; (1b) hangekiwaza*; (2) Pre-emptive jiyu-ippon kumite; (3) Jiyu-kumite

* Including non-standard Asai-ryu waza (from the IJKA kumite syllabus). I.e. – kagi-zuki, mawashi-zuki, kesa shuto-uchi etc.

Overall, my present training is rather brutal, but compliments academia!

© André Bertel. Christchurch, New Zealand (2012).