Kihon: (a) Kata specific
kihon/sections; and (b) special
focus on `two handed blocks’ (i.e. – chudan and jodan morote-uke; chudan
uchi-uke doji ni gedan-barai; chudan and jodan juji-uke including the open hand
variation; chudan kakiwake-uke; jodan uchi-uke doji ni gedan-barai etcetera).
Kata: As alluded to above, at present
the majority of my kata practice has been dedicated to the four sentei-gata: Bassai dai (披塞大), Jion (慈恩), Enpi (燕飛) and Kanku dai (観空大);
and an unspecified/random mix of jiyu-gata. In regards to jiyu-gata, my
interests remain focused on Nijushiho
(二十四步) and also Bassai
sho (披塞小); nevertheless, Kanku
sho (観空小) and Unsu (雲手) have also been slipping in and out of my practice
Kumite: Uchikomi
and image training: (1) focusing on various forms of
gyaku-zuki (employing sen no no, go no sen etc); (2) tai sabaki with a variety of techniques; and (3) deai-waza. In all cases, seeking
`ippon technique’.
Overall, my
repetitions (and intensity) of techniques, and kata, have been highly variable.
This is directly attributable to the recovery process from the flu. On a
positive note, this has allowed me to be more introspective and will,
hopefully, allow me to `further mitigate' my many weaknesses.
Irrespective of all my shortcomings in karate-do, my goal is to simply
keep moving forward and developing my spirit. I wish everyone who reads this the very best and good health. Oss, André.
© André Bertel.
Aso-shi, Kumamoto-ken. Japan, 2014.
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