Thursday 19 October 2023

燕飛 (Enpi): Overview

燕飛 (ENPI)

Movement one of Enpi.

Enpi has 37 movements and is particular focused on renzokuwaza (continuous techniques). Originally known as Wanshu, the characters in its name indicate the flight of swallow. The label of Enpi therefore represents the quick changes of direction; furthermore, rising and descending movements. Like my late teacher, Asai Tetsuhiko Sensei, Enpi is my favorite formal exercise out of the four Sentei-gata. This is not due to its external pattern but, rather, because (like him) it best suits my body, physical attributes and fighting style. It is one of 'the seven core Shotokan kata' and was prioritized by Funakoshi Gichin Sensei in his refined teaching system. The kiai are placed on movements 15 and at the height of the jump on movement 36. This waza is the throw 'Kata-guruma', which is one of the traditional 44 throws of Judo. Correct practice of this kata aids quick reactions, and both explosive defensive and offensive abilities. Also, of particular importance is the waza 'age-zuki'. This waza contests the standard linear line eluding to the technical adaptability needed in actual self-defense. Lastly, this kata stresses muscular lightness and softness, along with the correct use of the joints, to achieve the aforementioned technical attributes. This, in turn, can be applied to all other technical aspects of one's karate. André Bertel. 

Overview of Enpi Kata


REI:                       Musubi dachi


用意                      閉足立 左掌右拳左腰

YOI:                      Heisoku dachi, Sasho uken hidari koshi


1挙動           右脚折敷左膝立て        右前腕下段払  左前腕水月前構

Migi ashi orishiki hidari hiza tate, Migi zenwan gedan barai, Hidari zenwan suigetsu mae gamae


2挙動           八字立 (歩幅やや広め)               両拳左腰構

Hachiji dachihohaba yaya hiromeRyo ken hidari koshi gamae


3挙動           右脚前屈           右下段払

Migi ashi zenkutsu, Migi gedan barai


4挙動           騎馬立 左前腕水流れの構        右拳右腰

Kiba dachi, Hidari zenwan mizu nagare no gamae, Uken migi koshi


5挙動           左前屈立           左下段払

Hidari zenkutsu dachi, Hidari  gedan barai


6挙動           左前屈立           右上段揚突

Age-zuki is the main thrust in Enpi kata and is featured four times.

Hidari zenkutsu dachi, Migi jodan age zuki 

7挙動           右足前交叉立  右拳左肩前上  左拳下段突

Migi ashi mae kosa dachi, Uken hidari kata mae ue, Saken gedan zuki


8挙動           左膝屈 右下段払           左拳左腰

Hidari hiza kutsu, Migi gedan barai, Saken hidari koshi

9挙動           左前屈立           左下段払

Hidari zenkutsu dachi, Hidari  gedan barai


10挙動         左前屈立           右上段揚突

Hidari zenkutsu dachi, Migi jodan age zuki


11挙動         右足前交叉立  右拳左肩前上  左拳下段突

Migi ashi mae kosa dachi, Uken hidari kata mae ue, Saken gedan zuki


12挙動         左膝屈 右下段払           左拳左腰

Hidari hiza kutsu, Migi gedan barai, Saken hidari koshi



13挙動         左前屈立           左下段払

Hidari zenkutsu dachi, Hidari  gedan barai


14挙動         騎馬立 左掌左斜前上

Kiba dachi, Sasho hidari naname mae ue


15挙動         左脚立 右手首左掌打 (気合)

Hidari ashi dachi, Migi tekubi sasho uchi (KIAI)


16挙動         騎馬立 左縦手刀中段受                             右拳右腰

                                Kiba dachi, Hidari tateshuto chudan uke, Uken migi koshi


17挙動         騎馬立 右拳中段突       左拳左腰

Kiba dachi, Uken chudan zuki, Saken hidari koshi


18挙動         騎馬立 左拳中段突       右拳右腰

Kiba dachi, Saken chudan zuki, Uken migi koshi


19挙動         左前屈立           左下段払

Hidari zenkutsu dachi, Hidari  gedan barai


20挙動         左前屈立           右上段揚突

Hidari zenkutsu dachi, Migi jodan age zuki


21挙動         左後屈立           右手刀中段受

Hidari kokutsu dachi, Migi shuto chudan uke


22挙動         右後屈立           左手刀中段受

Migi kokutsu dachi, Hidari shuto chudan uke


23挙動         右後屈立           右拳中段突       左拳左腰

Migi kokutsu dachi, Hidari shuto chudan uke


24挙動         左後屈立           右手刀中段受

Hidari kokutsu dachi, Migi shuto chudan uke


25挙動         左前屈立           左下段払

Hidari zenkutsu dachi, Hidari  gedan barai


26挙動         左前屈立           右上段揚突

Hidari zenkutsu dachi, Migi jodan age zuki


27挙動         右足前交叉立  右拳左肩前上  左拳下段突

Migi ashi mae kosa dachi, Uken hidari kata mae ue, Saken gedan zuki


28挙動         左膝屈 右下段払           左拳左腰

Hidari hiza kutsu, Migi gedan barai, Saken hidari koshi


29挙動         左前屈立           左下段払

Hidari zenkutsu dachi, Hidari  gedan barai



30挙動         左前屈立           右底掌中段押揚受        左拳左腰

Hidari zenkutsu dachi, Migi teisho chudan oshi age uke, Saken hidari koshi



31挙動         右前屈立           右底掌中段押揚受        左底掌中段押え受                       

Migi zenkutsu dachi, Migi teisho chudan oshi age uke, Hidari teisho chudan osae uke



32挙動         左前屈立           右底掌中段押揚受        左底掌中段押え受                                                        

Hidari zenkutsu dachi, Hidari teisho chudan oshi age uke, Migi teisho chudan osae uke



33挙動         右前屈立           右底掌中段押揚受        左底掌中段押え受                       

Migi zenkutsu dachi, Migi teisho chudan oshi age uke, Hidari teisho chudan osae uke



34挙動         寄足気味に左後屈立   右拳下段構       左拳左腰

Yori ashi gimi ni hidari kokutsu dachi, Migi ken gedan gamae, Saken hidari koshi



35挙動         寄足右足前不動立        右掌下段左掌上段つかみ受

Yori ashi migi ashi mae fudo dachi, Usho gedan sasho jodan tsukami uke



36挙動         左回転飛           左後屈立           右中段手刀受  (気合)

Hidari kaiten tobi, Hidari kokutsu dachi, Migi shuto chudan uke (KIAI)

Movement 36 of Enpi, where the kiai is applied. 

37挙動         右後屈立           左手刀中段受

 Migi kokutsu dachi, Hidari shuto chudan uke



直れ                     閉足立 左掌右拳左腰

NAORE: Heisoku dachi, Sasho uken hidari koshi



REI: Musubi dachi

© André Bertel. Oita City, Japan (2023).

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