Saturday, 28 December 2024

平安三段 (Heian Sandan) and 平安四段 (Heian Yondan)

 Today’s training was focused on the third and fourth Heian: 平安三段 (HEIAN SANDAN) and 平安四段 (HEIAN YONDAN). In particular, the practice was ‘kihon centric’ via specifically working on each action in detail—shisei, tachikata, unsoku, waza, tai no shinshuku, waza no kankyu, chakugan and kokyu.

Some of the specific waza I worked on were as follows:

(1) Chudan morote-uke advancing in kokutsu-dachi (movement seven of Heian Sandan; and movements four, 22, 23 and 24 of Heian Yondan). Use and focus on the support arm; furthermore, the alignment of the uke arm.

(2) Ryoken gedan juji-uke advancing into zenkutsu-dachi (also referred to as ‘Gedan kosa-uke’) which is movement three of Heian Yondan. Firm tateken from beginning to end with correct configurations.

(3) Movements 11 to 17 of Heian Sandan: from ryoken ryokoshi-kamae fumikomi followed by furi-enpi (taisoku-uke) and uraken sokumen tatemawashi uchi in kiba-dachi. Timing use of hips for fumikomi and furi-enpi is the same as 十手 (Jitte) and 慈恩 (Jion). The target of tate-uraken is the jinchu, which is “…just under the nose, precisely the junction where maxillary bones join with the cartilage of the nose”. Note this is the same as movement 13 in Yondan (and, indeed, where this waza is utilized in other kata).

(4) Movements four to ten of Heian Yondan, which is starting from migi chudan morote-uke form migi ashi dachi with ryoken migi koshi-kamae, then make hidari uraken jodan yokomawashi uchi doji ni hidari sokuto chudan yoko-geri keage, complete with sasho ni migi mae-enpi whilst moving into hidari zenkutsu-dachi. Slide the left foot half a step inward and repeat on the opposite side. * Special attention before and after making your ‘keri’ is the positioning of the kicking foot which is ‘hidari ashi ura migi hiza yoko’ for movement five and before making movement seven; and ‘migi ashi ura hidari hiza yoko’ for movement eight and before making movement ten.

Overall, the session was very basic and detailed. I enjoyed practicing outside in the fresh air. To counter the cold winds, I wore a couple of sweaters, so after 15 minutes or so of training, my body was nice and warm. As I’ve said before, I regularly supplement my daily dojo practice outdoors. My hope is that all who read this post have a happy and healthy holiday and new year.
アンドレ  バーテル
   © André Bertel. Oita City, Japan (2024).

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