Saturday, 1 February 2025

Extra "Daily Self-Training" in January

前蹴り蹴込み (爪先) Mae-geri kekomi utilizing Tsumasaki.

In January, as is my tradition, I challenge myself to do two daily self-trainings (instead of just the one) each day. To clarify, these two sessions are separate from any classes I instruct, which, needless to say, are also a workout.

 In this post I will outline this extra session, which solely focused on Sonoba Kihon and linking this to Kata and Kumite. A special feature being the classical variations of MAE-GERI.

To clarify, the average duration of my self-training throughout the year is two-hours. This was the same in January for my normal session. However, this additional practice averaged at one-hour in duration. In conclusion, this extra session concluded yesterday. OSU! - AB

基本 (KIHON)

その場基本 (Sonoba-Kihon)

1. 中段直突き (自然体)
    Chudan choku-zuki

2. 上段直突き
    Jodan choku-zuki

3. その場前屈立ち、腰の回転
    Sonoba zenkutsu-dachi, Koshi no kaiten

4. 中段逆突き
       Chudan gyaku-zuki

5. 上段逆突き
    Jodan gyaku-zuki

6. 上段刻み突き
     Jodan kizami-zuki

7. 連技1: 上段刻み突きから中段逆突き
    Renwaza 1: Jodan kizami-zuki kara chudan gyaku-zuki

8. 連技2: 上段刻み突きから上段逆突き
    Renwaza 2: Jodan kizami-zuki kara jodan gyaku-zuki

9. 連技3: 上段揚げ受けから手同じで上段刻み突き
    Renwaza 3: Jodan age-uke kara te onaji de jodan kizami-zuki            kara chudan gyaku-zuki

型 (KATA)

I. 平安三段
    Heian Sandan

II. 平安三段の基本分解: 振り猿臂から裏拳上段縦回し打ち           (騎馬立ち) Heian Sandan no kihon bunkai: Furi enpi kara       
          jodan uraken tatemawashi uchi

III. 平安五段
       Heian Godan

IV.  平安五段の基本分解: 挙動20から23
       Heian Godan no kihon bunkai: Kyodou 20-23

V.    旋掌


(1) [前蹴りの基本分解]
Mae-geri no kihon bunkai

Supplementary notes are needed here... There are two main forms of mae-geri keage and three main forms of mae-geri kekomi. In modern day Shotokan-Ryu, the main focus is chudan and jodan mae-geri keage utilizing josokutei (in English, 'the ball of the foot'); however, mae-geri kekomi utilizing kakato (the heel) is featured in Unsu Kata.

In pre-WW2 Shotokan, there were more variations of mae-geri in general practice. For example, keage with the instep to the opponent's testicles; kekomi to the solar plexus and under the chin with the heel; attacking with the toe tips to the throat: etcetera.

蹴上げ (KEAGE)
a. 前蹴り蹴上げ (上足底)
     Mae-geri keage (Josokutei)

b.  前蹴り蹴上げ (背足)
      Mae-geri keage (Haisoku)

蹴込み (KEKOMI)
c.  前蹴り蹴込み (上足底)
     Mae-geri kekomi (Josokutei)

d.  前蹴り蹴込み (踵)
     Mae-geri keage (Kakato)

e.   前蹴り蹴込み (爪先)
      Mae-geri keage (Tsumasaki)

(2) 旋掌型組手の分解
Sensho kata kumite no bunkai

©︎ André Bertel. Oita City, Japan (2025).

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