Several things have come to my attention via corrections in the dojo, and my self-practice. Rather than delve into my ‘technical issues’ on here, I’ll avoid boring you to tears, and give you my overall training routine. Whether facing the winter here in the North or enjoying the summer of the Southern Hemisphere, I wish you all the very best in your karate practice. Regardless of where you are, the weather is no excuse not to train! I say this boldly as I type sitting in a warm kotatsu. - André
1. Yoko-keage in isolation and yoko keage with simultaneous uraken yokomawashi uchi: (a) From kosa aiyumibashi in kiba dachi [ido-kihon style]. (b) From zenkutsu dachi [syllabus style]. (c) Specific yoko keage/uraken yokomawashi uchi from Heian-nidan kata. (c) Specific two yoko keage with uraken yokomawashi uchi from Heian-yondan kata. (d) Specific four yoko keage/uraken yokomawashi uchi from Kanku-Dai kata. (e) Specific four yokokeage/uraken yokomawashi uchi from Gankaku kata. (f) Specific yoko keage with haito uchimawashi uchi from Bassai-Sho kata. (g) Specific two yoko keage with uraken yokomawashi uchi from Kanku-Sho kata. (h) Specific two yoko keage/uraken yokomawashi uchi from Sochin kata.
(2) Gyaku-zuki: Stationary zenkutsu-dachi – ‘grass roots style’ with concentration on refined use of energy (Asai style through and through).
General practice: (3) Mae geri in isolation; (4) Oi-zuki in isolation. And (5) Chudan shuto-uke in isolation. [With all three of these techniques I am reassessing my ‘chambering’ and further ‘person
For fundamental training, Junro-shodan is my focus. The genius of Tetsuhiko Asai Sensei is so evident in this masterpiece. My advanced training includes Tekki-nidan, Empi, Unsu and Sochin. I've been using Sochin to spice up my routine and to fore mostly address points in my kihon. The depth of Unsu and Sochin, at a high level, is like Freud's Iceberg , so my kata training at present is extremely technical (actually too technical). Such practice cannot be continued for too long by anyone (if they are serious about their development) as it becomes information overload. For the time being, I'll enjoy this for what it is. But I will soon strip back my kata.
Not muc
I'll wrap up this post by saying that Shotokan karate is all about subtlety, that is, depth of knowledge. The subtle skills of the art are what establish each karateka’s technical level and ability to apply it. What’s more, understanding these skills is not enough… The body must be trained via tens of thousands, if not, hundreds of thousands of ‘correct repetitions’. Why? Because we must always remember that Shotokan is a narrow river (please my article on this topic here: Quality (effective) not quantity karate, is the key, and this is determined by mastering the subtleties.