A. Stationary kihon
My stationary kihon at the moment comprises of a vast array of different foundational techn
iques. Each day is dependent on what I feel I have to work on. For example high knee lift and compression for keriwaza, timing of hip action in punches, strikes, blocks and kicks and so forth. Regardless of what I do, it is always "as simple as it gets", the "basics of the basics". Nevertheless, I'm challenged to the maximum physically (by the high repetitions & humidity) and technically (by the numerous weaknesses that I have to correct)...
My stationary kihon at the moment comprises of a vast array of different foundational techn
B. Ido-Kihon
B. Ido-Kihon
Keeping inline with my current stationary kihon-keiko and previous routine, my line-work is equally as raw. In saying that I'm only doing limited repetitions, typically 8-20 repetitions of each ido-kihonwaza ('aiming' for top-level execution at all times). Here's my routine: (1) Chudan oi zuki; (2) Chudan gyaku zuki; (3) Gedan barai kara chudan gyaku zuki; (4) Jodan age uke kara chudan gyaku zuki; (5) Chudan soto uke kara chudan gyaku zuki; (6) Chudan uchi uke kara chudan gyaku zuki; (7) Chudan shuto uke {kokutusu-dachi} kara chudan tateshihon nukite gyaku zuki; (8) Chudan mae geri; (9) Yoko keage {kiba-dachi}; (10) Yoko kekomi {kiba-dachi}; (11) Mawashi geri; and (12) Ushiro geri.
C. Kata
(a) Jion or Kankudai.
(b) Empi.
(c) Unsu.
(d) Another Jiyu kata (Shotokan-ryuha or Asai-ryuha) based on my daily feeling/personal training focus.
D. Kumite: Goshin-jutsu
My present focus is on practical/street effective goshin-jutsu (self-defense) techniques. The source of these waza are the kihon, and kata, that I’m currently refining.
My present focus is on practical/street effective goshin-jutsu (self-defense) techniques. The source of these waza are the kihon, and kata, that I’m currently refining.
E. Supplementary training
To supplement my technical training I'm following Asai Sensei's special strength and flexibility routine (which he often included in his morning practices). I'm also sitting in the full splits for extended periods to relax my muscles (at the end of practice) whilst getting rehydrated.
© André Bertel, Japan (2009).
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