Friday 11 October 2019

Renshusei: Ina, Christian and Christoph from Gießen

Ina Batz, Christian Finger and Christoph Albrecht—all from Gießen, Deutschland—came for private training here in Oita on October 8th and 9th.

It was a wonderful time to have them here: both in and out of the dojo. They all did extremely well in the renshusei training and have lots to take back and share with their dojo in Gießen. I won’t write about what I taught, as that is for them to train/share at their personal discretion; however, it was great to see them expand their physical understanding of karate as budo/bujutsu in a tangible way. This is a big credit to all three of them.

I have to say Christian, Christoph and Ina are not only studious karateka but, also, lovely and fun people... with the exception of Ina’s obsession with ‘yellow things’, which I have also noted (at international seminars for a few years) LOL... 
Yellow aside, overall, it was also a great pleasure to spend time together. We enjoyed many nice times and I got to witness some fine karate improvements, which is always wonderful. Safe and fun travels Christoph, Ina and Christian. Until next time we meet, Osu, André.
© André Bertel. Oita City, Japan (2019).
(Photos courtesy of Ina)

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