Monday 11 November 2019


Today I travelled deep into the countryside of Oita Prefecture to train at Fukiji Temple, which is a National Treasure of Japan. The last time I self-trained at Fukiji was, I think, 2007… So it’s been a fair while… Located in Fuki Oaza, Bungo Takada Shi (right in the center of the Kunisaki Pininsula).

My reason for not training there in over a decade is quite simple! Oita Prefecture is filled with such wonderful traditional places to practice Karate-Do!!! Furthermore, due to Fukiji’s location—in relation to my home in central Oita City—it is too time-consuming for me to get there: especially due to my schedule.

Excuses, excuses………..To make me feel less guilty about not visiting the temple for so long, it still existed 1000 years since my last visit 10+ years ago. In fact it is said to be the oldest wooden building in Kyushu: said to be built in the year 1000.

I’ll not detail my practice today except to say it was Kihon and Kata—centric. Photos and are better than text. In sum, I'm coming back to a 'restart phase'... START AGAIN...


© André Bertel. Oita City, Japan (2019).

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