Saturday 23 November 2019

紅葉 (Koyo)

I have recently updated my daily self-training regime. This update coincides with the beautiful 紅葉 (Koyo) here in Japan.

基本 (Kihon)
My present Kihon routine is currently two dimensional; that is, (a) highly generic covering the complete IKS syllabus; and (b) my usual ‘specialization practice’—which is specific for my own development.

Today, for example, I worked on the fifth and final set of Kihon. This comprises of three Ido Kihon combinations, one stationary combination and idomokuhyo with gyaku-zuki. Each day I switch between levels one to five of the grading syllabus.

My kata, too, has been diverse. Today it comprised of  順路 (Junro) and 常行 (Joko) for fundamental refinement; whilst yesterday it was 岩鶴 (Gankaku) and 二十四歩 (Nijushiho). To elucidate the variety of my kata practice, earlier in the week it was Tekki and Chinte.
組手 (Kumite)
Presently my Kumite practice is focused on Kaeshi Ippon Kumite; that is, counterattack(s) as an extension of Jiyu Ippon Kumite; furthermore, the ‘level-up’ of this aptly nicknamed ‘ping-pong kumite’. In particular, as always, the key point is that one’s  body power is maximized in every action (via optimally applying the fundamental principles from the basis of Kihon and kata). Overall, each days kata practice is directly influencing my strategies and and counterattacks in kumite; hence, as always Kihon, Kata and Kumite form a harmonious trinity for maximum results/development of skill. 
Usually my routine is not so colorful, however, I’m pushing forward with strong and measured skill advancement and also really enjoying the practice. Best wishes and training from Oita City, Japan.

André Bertel
 © André Bertel. Oita City, Japan (2019).

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