Said by seniors to be Nakayama Sensei's closest follower, Abe Keigo Sensei. |
Introduction and commentary:
With 23 movements 平安五段 (Heian Godan) completes this series of kata and, like Yondan, is a summary of the fundamentals found in Nidan, Shodan and Sandan; moreover, an extension of these to deal with alternative situations in unarmed self-defense. Accordingly, it features flinch responses/striking; responses upon connection to the opponent(s); gatame-waza (locks); and nagewaza (throwing techniques).
An important lesson from this formal exercise is to avoid
blurring techniques; that is, when renzokuwaza are used (and there are many in this short kata) you make each action
fully with kime.
Movements one to six feature an application principle on
both sides and can be used according to the position of the opponent. The wind
up and weight drop with uchi-uke dropping into kokutsu-dachi must be maximized.
Likewise the snatch and tsuki followed by tai-sabaki and zenwan mizu nagare no
gamae, which functions as an ude-gatame (arm lock).
Once again, remnants of yondan are found in movement seven
by the use of an advancing kokutsu-dachi and the execution of chudan
morote-uke. This is occurs again one more later in the kata (movement 20), albeit in a different stance (migi ashi zenkutsu), which is a telltale.
Movements eight to twelve involves ryoken gedan juji-uke
follow by ryosho jodan juji-uke, ryosho juji chudan osae-uke, follow rapidly by
nobashi-zuki (uke-zuki/hiji suri-zuki) flowing immediately into chudan oi-zuki.
This sequence also involves locking and impacting. Be sure that ryosho juji
chudan osae-uke drops directly downward as opposed to being brought closer to
your body.
On movement 13 which is migi sokumen gedan-barai there are
two ways. One with and one without fumikomi. I personally still do the ‘Best
Karate’ version with the stamp, which is consistent with movement 26 of Bassai
Dai; however, both ways are equally effective. In this case, I advise everyone
to experiment with the best version for themselves when applying this waza in
Oyo Kumite and the other essential forms of 'kata based goshin-jutsu practice'.
Movements 14 to 16 involves trapping the opponent then
impacting with mikazuki-geri then pulling them into an enpi. Kick chudan in
solo Kate training but, in application, make a big slap to the opponents inside
thigh or groin to fold them in half; thereby, chudan becomes jodan with your
elbow. This is a very powerful and reliable sequence which very little fine motor skills and accuracy. Just focus "...on a relaxed and snapping swing of the leg and sharp and soft shoulder to deeply plant the tip of your elbow".
Movements 17 to 19 conclude with the first high jump in the
Shotokan Kata, however, this is literally throwing oneself when practicing Godan as a solo routine. These three
movements are, in fact, the set up and execution of 背負い投げ (Seoi-nage).
Once again chudan morote-uke is applied again here in movement 20 (as mentioned above) but this
time in the straight lined zenkutsu. By this stage the karateka must be well
versed "that as this waza (within Heian), is always in isolation"; hence, it is always a
simultaneous defense and attack.
To conclude movements 21 to 23 apply a take down and,
alternatively arm lock and neck wrench on both sides. This also trains "hip work
and transitions from zenkutsu to kokutsu-dachi in harmony with the shuto gedan
uchikomi and classical Shotokan ‘manji’ formations" (which was a vast technical improvement on the Okinawan version, which was allegedly masterminded by Master Funakoshi and/or his son).
Here are the 17 different waza featured in Heian Godan:
1. Chudan
2. Chudan
gyaku-zuki (Kokutsu-dachi).
3. Zenwan
mizu nagare no gamae (Heisoku-dachi).
4. Migi
chudan morote-uke (Kokutsu-dachi).
5. Ryoken
gedan juji-uke (Kokutsu-dachi).
6. Ryosho
jodan juji-uke (Zenkutsu-dachi).
7. Ryosho
juji chudan osae-uke (Zenkutsu-dachi).
8. Chudan
oi-zuki (Zenkutsu-dachi).
9. Sokumen
gedan-barai (Kiba-dachi).
10. Tekubi
sokumen chudan kake-uke (Kiba-dachi).
11. Chudan
mikazuki-geri (Ichi ashi dachi).
12. Mae-enpi
13. Sokumen
chudan morote-uke (Kosa-dachi).
14. Uho
tsuki-age (Renoji-dachi).
15. Tobi-komi
kara ryoken gedan juji-uke (Kosa-dachi).
16. Chudan
morote-uke (Zenkutsu).
17. Jodan
nagashi-uke doji ni shuto gedan uchikomi kara sokumen jodan uchi-uke doji ni
sokumen gedan-uke (Zenkutsu kara kokutsu-dachi soshite heisoku-dachi).
From the many tegumi-waza (grappling techniques) in the
‘basic’ Heian we can see and learn “… a complete system of self-defense. This, as
opposed to ‘impacting/striking arts’, and ‘grappling arts’, being separated/compartmentalized”. Indeed, before competition Karatedo (and, of course,
competition Judo, as well) budo was bujutsu. Hence, for the traditional karateka: " unarmed self-defense, striking and grappling are absolutely inseparable entities".
Once karate practitioners, get through to practicing Heian Godan and have sufficient physicality in all five Heian kata, it is
important that they are well into flow drills dealing with realistic
self-defense scenarios; moreover, this training cannot be merely an occasional novelty but,
rather, included in daily practice. Allow me to quote Asai Tetsuhiko Sensei
here: “Kata can teach you how to fight, but not by merely doing
them”. What he meant was "just doing the moves is not enough. With that in mind, I’ll now move on to a generic overview of Heian Godan.
REI (Musubi-dachi).
YOI: Ryoken daitai mae (Hachiji-dachi).
1. Hidari
sokumen hidari chudan uchi-uke (Migi kokutsu-dachi).
2. Uken
chudan gyaku-zuki (Migi kokutsu-dachi).
3. Hidari
zenwan mizu nagare no gamae (Heisoku-dachi).
4. Migi
chudan uchi-uke (Hidari kokutsu-dachi).
5. Saken
chudan gyaku-zuki (Hidari kokutsu-dachi).
6. Migi
zenwan mizu nagare no gamae (Heisoku-dachi).
7. Migi
chudan morote-uke (Hidari kokutsu-dachi).
8. Ryoken
gedan juji-uke (Hidari zenkutsu-dachi).
9. Ryosho
jodan juji-uke (Hidari zenkutsu-dachi).
10. Ryosho
juji chudan osae-uke (Hidari zenkutsu-dachi).
11. Saken
chudan nobashi-zuki (Hidari zenkutsu-dachi).
12. Uken
chudan oi-zuki (Migi zenkutsu-dachi)—KIAI!
13. Migi
sokumen migi gedan-barai (Kiba-dachi).
14. Hidari
tekubi hidari sokumen chudan kake-uke (Kiba-dachi).
15. Sasho ni
migi chudan mikazuki-geri (Hidari ashi dachi).
16. Sasho ni
migi mae-enpi (Kiba-dachi).
17. Migi
sokumen chudan morote-uke (Migi ashi mae kosa-dachi).
18. Uken uho
tsukiage (Hidari ashi mae renoji-dachi).
19. Tobi-komi
kara ryoken gedan juji-uke (Migi ashi mae kosa-dachi)—KIAI!
20. Migi
chudan morote-uke (Migi ashi zenkutsu).
21. Sasho
jodan nagashi-uke doji ni migi shuto gedan-uchikomi (Hidari ashi zenkutsu) kara
migi sokumen jodan uchi-uke doji ni hidari sokumen gedan-uke (Migi
22. Jotai-sonomama
23. Usho jodan
nagashi-uke doji ni hidari shuto gedan-uchikomi (Migi ashi zenkutsu) kara
hidari sokumen jodan uchi-uke doji ni migi sokumen gedan-uke (Hidari
NAORE: Ryoken daitai mae (Hachiji-dachi).
REI (Musubi-dachi).
In fact, it’s not an overstatement to say that 'Osaka Sensei
almost references Heian for everything else in karate' which, again, elucidates
their criticality for us Shotokan practitioners. While not 'mind boggling spectacular' like Osaka Sensei (in
external performance of his kata) I also enjoyed Abe Keigo Sensei’s teaching style. Moreover, it is said by many of my seniors that "...Abe Sensei’s
Karate was closest to Nakayama Sensei":
at least ‘teaching-wise’. Needless to say, anyone who can break things down into
simple parts, and make it accessible for everyone, is an expert teacher. I admire that he could teach kihon and kata that way, even though his fame came from being a ferocious kumite man. His waza of choice were uchiwaza and keriwaza, both of which were feared. In addition to his bushi lineage, he really had Samurai spirit. Accordingly, in light of this, I can’t help but think of Abe Sensei’s exceptional budo teaching
skill in addition to his background and karate specialties.
It’s interesting to consider that with the Heian combined,
the total number of official movements is 117, which is significantly longer
than any other kata (standard Shotokan or Koten-gata). Maybe this point is
trivia, but for me, unless only focusing on one Heian, I tend to do them all in
succession followed by the oyo (applications). In this way, the consistent themes and
progressive extensions of these can be practiced in a systematic manner. Needless to say, before this approach can be done, one must have good knowledge
of the 基本技
(Kihonwaza) in all five. This highlights a very important point: “One can know
all the applications, but without sufficient physicality (as alluded to above in this article), this also will have
no meaning.” Consequently, balance in training is utterly imperative.
With this mind, whilst the meaning of the characters 平安 in Chinese (Mandarin) means ‘SAFETY’—referring to self defense mastery so one is 'safe'; whereas, the Japanese reading of the kanji is interpreted as ‘PEACEFUL’. It is important for me to say here that the Japanese reading is also essential for complete knowledge. This relevance is related to having ‘a calm mind’ and a ‘relaxed body’ in order to optimally use it in self-defense. Taken as a whole, this indeed gives “…a complete understanding of the name PINAN/HEIAN” and, more usefully for one’s daily training, “what the core physical objectives of these five kata are”. It also shows the intellectual genius of the formulator of these kata: Itosu Anko Sensei. 押忍 ― André
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