Any intelligent person can see that something doesn’t sit right… The people on Karate Chat Forums are the worst, and many of been waffling on them for years with literally thousands of posts! I wonder how much time do they spend in the dojo training hard? With all that time for online karate, you’d think they even have, just a moment, to upload a single kata on youtube…Even their best Heian-shodan...But no! They are clearly mouth budoka…
As said before, if people don’t like my site they are not forced to visit it, and it is their choice if they want to
spend their time talking about me (and even posting entire forums). Such people either have no life or they live an unhappy life... Probably both, which I am not mocking here: but it is extremely sad.
Ultimately, one cannot improve their karate skill with words and text, and certainly not spending hours (and years!!!) in `internet karate chat rooms’. Karate is a physical art and those who have acquired a high-level are not afraid to demonstrate their skills: skills which clearly unveil their technical standard.
© André Bertel. Christchurch, New Zealand (2012).