Sunday 15 August 2021

In Memory of Asai Tetsuhiko Sensei (June 7th, 1935—August 15th, 2006)

 Today marks 15 years since the passing of ASAI TETSUHIKO SENSEI.

Our thoughts are especially with the Asai family on this day and,

indeed, his many other students—seniors, peers, and juniors—here

in Japan, and around the world.

I personally feel deep appreciation to Asai Sensei for his immense 

contribution to my karate development. This is something I will never 


Of course, many others feel the same, especially my seniors. Every year numerous stories are shared about Asai Sensei's very tough trainings and complex technicality; however, almost as much is said about the great sense of humor he had. 

Nakayama Masatoshi Sensei stated of all his students: "He (Asai Sensei) probably has no equals" (Best Karate).

Great memories of not only a unparalleled karateka, but also a great man.

To conclude I will give an anonymous and very appropriate quote from one of Asai Sensei's peers at Takushoku University in the late 1950s:

 “Osaka Yoshiharu Kun is known as ‘the textbook technician' of the Kyokai (JKA); whereas, Asai Tetsuhiko Senpai is known as 'THE POET' of Shotokan”.





© André Bertel. Oita City, Japan (2021).

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