Yann and
Phinh Robert from Paris, France, once again returned to Oita to train and catch
up. This was their second time to come to Oita to train; furthermore, they have also
attended several of my technical seminars in Europe.
not outline what we practiced—as that is for them—however, I will say that I’ve
seen their karate greatly improve since our first meeting. Needless to say, this
clearly reflects a combination of regular and conscientious budo karate
practice by both of them; moreover, a streamlined training methodology, which will
certainly result in continued and on-going improvement. While not being an
official pedagogical term, this is what I refer to as ‘snow ball improvement’.
In sum, I was
very pleased to see these technical developments; and indeed, to be able to
enjoy nice social times together. Yann and Phinh, I wish you the very
best for your remaining time here in Japan. Next time I know you will both be better than now, and your return vist, like everyone else, is reflected by tangible outcomes. Until we meet again, Osu! 
© André Bertel. Oita City, Japan (2017).