I decided to title this post "Talking with one's karate". Why? Because this outlines my philosophy, and is turned into a reality daily, via predetermined practices (which I engineer in an effort to avoid mediocrity). I hope this finds you well and training hard!
Sonoba-Kihon: (a) Migi chudan gyaku zuki;
(b) Hidari chudan gyaku zuki;
(c) Migi mae jodan hiza geri;
(d) Hidari mae jodan hiza geri;
(e) Migi chudan mae geri kara migi jodan mae geri soshite hidari jodan mae kekomi;
(f) Hidari chudan mae geri kara hidari jodan ma
e geri soshite migi jodan mae kekomi. {30-50 repetitions of each}.
Ido-Kihon: (1) Chudan oi zuki; (2) Jodan age uke karate chudan gyaku zuki; (3) Chudan soto uke kara chudan gyaku zuki; (4) Chudan shuto uke kara shihon nukite; (5) Chudan uchi uke kara chudan gyaku zuki; (6) Tenshin gyaku zuki (7) Jodan mae geri; (8) Jodan mawashi geri; (9) Jodan ushiro geri; (10) Jodan yoko keage; (11) Jodan yoko kekomi; (12) Henka-waza involving several variations of shuto uchi & kaiten uraken uchi. {Only 10-30 repetitions of each}.
Key focal points within my current kihon practice include: 1.0/ Correct and optimal use of the jiku-ashi; 1.1/ The "shisei-unsoku connection"; 1.2/ Legs first, hips second & limb third; & 1.3/ Target penetration (applied in my corresponding daily makiwara training).
Kata: Keeping in mind the previously mentioned focal points, my kata practice at present strongly reflect these, but with a more direct `flow' into kumite (especially in regards to smooth and effective transitions). To achieve these comprehensive refinements I've employed the following kata in my routine: Heian-shodan, Heian-nidan and Heian-sandan, Junro-shodan, Jion, Empi & Shinobiyoru-hayabusa. I am also blasting out Fudoken-sho and Gojushiho-dai purely to shock my body. {Typically I do each kata three times each or just one, or two of the kata, multiple times in succession}.
Kumite: I've been stressing correct
shisei in my attacks and
counterattacks. In fundamental terms this effectively permits a properly connected/co-ordinated
johanshin and
kahanshin to get the business done. To achieve these targets I've been using

kumite and a relatively varied mix of
kumite drills.
OSU, André.
© André Bertel, New Zealand 2010.