Sunday 23 September 2018

Konishi Sensei visits Oita

My senior Konishi Yasuko Sensei and her students (Matsuo San and Nakasako San) came to train with me here in Oita City today.

Konishi Sensei established the training of kata: Hangetsu and Chinte, which she led. And directed me to share my jiyu kumite `tsukiwaza` with  to Matsuo San and Nakasako San.

The kata training was great. Konishi Sensei taught serveral subtle aspects, within Chinte, as she is a 'Chinte specialist'. Chinte is not a kata within my core training, but it was fantastic to learn some extremely fine-tuned points. 

The kumite training focused on achieving perfect maai - with technical appropriation - to topple the opponent. I primarily taught gyaku-zuki, oi-zuki, kizami-zuki and the elusive nagashi-zuki. We applied these tsukiwaza in many pragmatic ways focusing on attempting ichigeki-hissatsu with each and every blow.

This concluded with several waza demonstrating Asai Sensei's basic tenshin, muchiken and traditional applications from several of the standard Shotokan kata.

Following the training we enjoyed a lovely time together at a restaurant in Oita Eiki. Great karate and great camaraderie!!

I'd like to offer my appreciation to Konishi Sensei; also, to Matsuo San and Nakasako San. Until next time, 押忍!

© André Bertel. Oita City, Japan (2018).