Tuesday 30 April 2019

Trainee from Murnau, Germany: Punito Aisenpreis

Punito Aisenpreis (Yondan) came for five days of private training in April. I was impressed to see that he has improved his core karate and further broken away from his sports karate movement.

A harmonious mix of Kihon, Kata and Kumite was covered including Kakuyoku Nidan and Rakuyo; Ido Kihon; and a generic coverage of proper Budo Kumite Training via the various forms of kumite.

Overall, I feel that Punito's improvements reflect his efforts; furthermore, as a therapist and trainer he approaches his own karate practice in a holistic manner. With further physical understanding of Budo Karate, he will continue improving.

Lastly, rather than precisely detail about what was covered over those five days, here are a few images.

Osu, Andre

© André Bertel. Oita City, Japan (2019).

Wednesday 10 April 2019

Latest Training Regime

By request, here is a brief rundown on what I'm currently doing in my self training.


I’m currently focused on the new Dan Examination Kihon. The focus of these kihonwaza are not only for testing examinees but, actually to really increase their skill level. This new approach and system is already causing positive effects. Coming from an education background, I majored in education at the University of Canterbury, I wanted the syllabus to primarily be a mechanism for martial arts technical development and increased effectiveness: not just a set of moves/combinations that one needs to pass tests. In sum, I want karateka to be the best they can be, and the new kihon syllabus actively functions to do this (in the preparation for tests and throughout one's karate lifespan).


I’m currently going through all 65 of our official kata. Rather than exhaust you with the details, yesterday was Junro Shodan (—I will possibly write more about this very soon), Bassai Dai, Gankaku, Chinte, and Raiko. Today was Junro Nidan, Hangetsu, Enpi, Bassai Sho and Nijushiho. My training focus, in all kata, is always from my late Sensei’s advice; and accordingly, at present, mainly ‘technical/application—initiation’ is the top priority of my kata practice. Later in Halle, Deutschland this year, I will unveil a higher level of karate from Sensei, and in 2020 and beyond, this will expand further. Kata is at the soul of this process as it serves to transmit critical martial arts knowledge from the past. That being said, kata is useless unless it directly enhances one's self-defence capacity.


Like kata, I’m presently reviewing all the forms Kumite training. Decisively understanding and properly all forms of Kumite training is imperative to maximize training time. Today I worked on advanced Kihon ippon and Jiyu ippon Kumite. These forms of training underpin the core 'basics' of maximum power transfer—foundationally speaking. Kihon Ippon and Jiyu Ippon work together to achieve this target, therefore, are essential elements of optimal karate training.

Away from this broad daytime practice, my current socho-geiko (morning training) is still, of course,  ‘specializing’ (tokuiwaza, tokuigata etc...) as usual.

Greetings from Sakura covered Japan.

© André Bertel. Oita City, Japan (2019).