KiIHON: (1) Sanbon-zuki; (2) Jodan kizami-zuki kara chudan mae-geri soshite jodan oi-zuki; (3) Mawashi-geri kara gyaku-zuki; (4) Ushiro-geri kara uraken-uchi soshite gyaku-zuki; (5) Ren-geri: Mae geri kara mawashi geri,
yoko kekomi, ushiro-geri soshite gyaku mawashi-geri; (6) Ren-geri: Yoko-keage ashi o kaete yoko-kekomi; (7) Jodan age-uke kara mawashi-geri, yoko uraken-uchi soshite chudan oi-zuki; (8) Chudan soto-uke kara yori-ashi (kiba-dachi) yoko empi-uchi, uraken-uchi soshite chudan gyaku-zuki; (9) Gedan barai kara chudan uchi-uke (neko-ashi dachi) soshite chudan gyaku-zuki; & (10) Chudan shuto-uke (kokutsu-dachi) kara mae-geri soshite nukite.
KUMITE: Primarily jiyu-kumite with emphasis on attacking with ukewaza; counter-kicking; and a mix of ‘jolting’ attacks with tsukiwaza, and cutting attacks with various uchiwaza (please refer to the five Joko kata for technical specifics).
KATA: (Standard Shotokan-ryu kata) Heian-yondan & godan; Kanku-dai, Tekki-sandan; and Unsu. (Asai-ryu kata) Joko-nisei, sansei, yonsei & gosei; and Kaze no te (Hushu).
PS - IJKA New Zealand Honbu Dojo, here in Christchurch, is having a kyu-shinsa this Saturday; therefore, I’ll take this opportunity to offer my best wishes to everyone attempting to advance in grade.
KUMITE: Primarily jiyu-kumite with emphasis on attacking with ukewaza; counter-kicking; and a mix of ‘jolting’ attacks with tsukiwaza, and cutting attacks with various uchiwaza (please refer to the five Joko kata for technical specifics).
KATA: (Standard Shotokan-ryu kata) Heian-yondan & godan; Kanku-dai, Tekki-sandan; and Unsu. (Asai-ryu kata) Joko-nisei, sansei, yonsei & gosei; and Kaze no te (Hushu).
PS - IJKA New Zealand Honbu Dojo, here in Christchurch, is having a kyu-shinsa this Saturday; therefore, I’ll take this opportunity to offer my best wishes to everyone attempting to advance in grade.
© André Bertel. Christchurch, New Zealand (2011).