Friday 31 May 2024

PART ONE: 観空小 (Kanku Sho) Overview




 This article will look at Kanku Sho Kata from a general and shallow perspective, mere movement and BUNKAI (basic/shallow 'analysis'). I will do this in both JAPANESE and ENGLISH. Accordingly, I'll follow up with a 'part two article' later, featuring OYO (actual 'application') and some deeper points of this kata. The reason for this first article is to clarify the 'external form' taught traditionally. The second article will therefore provide some depth.



観空大と同様の敵を仮想しての技の編成であるが、棒の受けと反撃に特徴がある。 上段の棒受け、掴み捻って押し込む。さらに脛を払う棒攻撃に、膝をかい込み高く 飛び上がり、一回転して反撃をかわす。最後も三日月蹴りから一回転して伏せて攻 撃をかわし、鋭い中段突きで仕留めて終わる。松濤館流の中で最も敏速果敢な形と いわれる。


This Kata constitutes the techniques, assuming the same enemy as for Kanku Dai, but this kata has special offense and defense characteristics using the staff. In this waza, the practitioner grabs the staff from Jodan and twists and pushes it back. When the attacker tries to hit the shin with the staff, they jump high, bending the knees and fend off the attack by rotating the body once. Later the karateka executes a crescent kick and fends off the attack by rotating the body once and crouching on the floor. To conclude the practitioners executes a quick middle level thrust to the opponent. Kanku Sho is said to be the most quick and courageous kata in Shotokan-Ryu.

FOOTNOTE: This is the official JKA and JKF EXPLANATION (not mine, nor Asai Tetsuhiko Shihan's).



REI: Musubi dachi


用意                     八字立 両拳大腿前                      

YOI: Hachiji dachi, Ryo ken daitai mae



1挙動           右へ寄足           右後屈立           左中段諸手受

Migi e yori ashi, Migi kokutsu dachi, Hidari chudan morote uke



2挙動           左へ寄足           右後屈立           右中段諸手受

Hidari e yori ashi, Hidari kokutsu dachi, Migi chudan morote uke



3挙動           右後屈立           左中段諸手受

Migi kokutsu dachi, Hidari chudan morote uke


4挙動           右前屈立           右中段追突       右前腕ひねり

Migi zenkutsu dachi, Migi chudan oi zuki, Migi zenwan hineri



5挙動           左前屈立           左中段追突       左前腕ひねり

Hidari zenkutsu dachi, Hidari chudan oi zuki, Hidari zenwan hineri


6挙動           右前屈立           右中段追突 (気合)        

Migi zenkutsu dachi, Migi chudan oi zuki (KIAI)



7挙動           左脚前屈           右掌中段つかみ受        左掌右手首上添え手

Hidari ashi zenkutsu, Usho chudan tsukami uke, Sasho migi tekubi ue soete


8挙動           左脚立 両手引寄せ       右中段前蹴蹴上

Hidari ashi dachi, Ryo te hikiyose, Migi chudan mae geri keage



9挙動           右足前交叉立  右裏拳縦回し打                             左拳左腰

Migi ashi mae kosa dachi, Migi uraken tatemawashi uchi, Saken hidari koshi



10挙動         右前屈立           右中段内受      

Migi zenkutsu dachi, Migi chudan uchi uke


11挙動         右前屈立           左中段逆突      

Migi zenkutsu dachi, Hidari chudan gyaku zuki


12挙動         右前屈立           右拳中段突       左拳左腰          

Migi zenkutsu dachi, Uken chudan zuki, Saken hidari koshi



13挙動         右後屈立           右中段内受       左下段受

Migi kokutsu dachi, Migi uchi uke, Hidari gedan uke



14挙動         左足前レの字立                             左表拳振りおろし打   右拳右腰

Hidari ashi mae renoji dachi, Hidari omoteken furi oroshi uchi, Uken migi koshi



15挙動         左脚前屈           右掌中段つかみ受        左掌右手首上添え手

Hidari ashi zenkutsu, Usho chudan tsukami uke, Sasho migi tekubi ue soete



16挙動         左脚立 両手引寄せ       右中段前蹴蹴上

Hidari ashi dachi, Ryo te hikiyose, Migi chudan mae geri keage



17挙動         右足前交叉立  右裏拳縦回し打                             左拳左腰

Migi ashi mae kosa dachi, Migi uraken tatemawashi uchi, Saken hidari koshi



18挙動         右前屈立           右中段内受      

Migi zenkutsu dachi, Migi chudan uchi uke


19挙動         右前屈立           左中段逆突      

Migi zenkutsu dachi, Hidari chudan gyaku zuki


20挙動         右前屈立           右拳中段突       左拳左腰          

Migi zenkutsu dachi, Uken chudan zuki, Saken hidari koshi



21挙動         右後屈立           右中段内受       左下段受

Migi kokutsu dachi, Migi uchi uke, Hidari gedan uke



22挙動         左足前レの字立                             左表拳振りおろし打   右拳右腰

Hidari ashi mae renoji dachi, Hidari omoteken furi oroshi uchi, Uken migi koshi



23挙動 右後屈立    右側面上段内受                             左側面下段受

Migi kokutsu dachi, Migi sokumen jodan uchi uke, Hidari sokumen gedan uke



24挙動         両拳右腰構       左ヘ寄足           騎馬立 左側面中段諸手突

Ryo ken migi koshi gamae, Hidari e yori ashi, Kiba dachi, Hidari sokumen sokumen chudan morote zuki



25挙動 左後屈立    左側面上段内受                             右側面下段受

Hidari kokutsu dachi, Hidari sokumen jodan uchi uke, Migi sokumen gedan uke



26挙動         両拳左腰構   右左ヘ寄足           騎馬立 右側面中段諸手突

Ryo ken hidari koshi gamae, Migi e yori ashi, Kiba dachi, Migi sokumen sokumen chudan morote zuki



27挙動 左後屈立    両掌上段棒受

Hidari kokutsu dachi, Ryo sho jodan bo uke



28挙動         寄足                     右足前不動立  棒押込み

Yori ashi, Migi ashi mae fudo dachi, Bo oshikomi



29挙動 左回転其の場飛び 左後屈立           右手刀中段受

Hidari kaiten sonoba tobi, Hidari kokutsu dachi, Migi shuto chudan uke



30挙動         右脚立 両拳右腰構       左足裏右膝横 

Migi ashi dachi, Ryoken migi koshi gamae, Hidari ashi ura migi hiza yoko


31挙動         右脚立 左裏拳上段横回し打   左足刀横蹴蹴上

Migi ashi dachi, Hidari uraken jodan yokomawashi uchi, Hidari sokuto yoko geri keage



32挙動         左前屈立           左掌に右前猿臂

Hidari zenkutsu dachi, Sasho ni migi mae enpi



33挙動         左脚立 両拳左腰構       右足裏左膝横 

Hidari ashi dachi, Ryoken migi hidari gamae, Migi ashi ura hidari hiza yoko



34挙動         左脚立 右裏拳上段横回し打   右足刀横蹴蹴上

Hidari ashi dachi, Migi uraken jodan yokomawashi uchi, Migi sokuto yoko geri keage




35挙動         右前屈立           右掌に左前猿臂

Migi zenkutsu dachi, Usho ni hidari mae enpi




36挙動         左脚前屈           右掌中段つかみ受        左掌右手首上添え手

Hidari ashi zenkutsu, Usho chudan tsukami uke, Sasho migi tekubi ue soete



37挙動         左脚立 両手引寄せ       右中段前蹴蹴上

Hidari ashi dachi, Ryo te hikiyose, Migi chudan mae geri keage



38挙動         右足前交叉立  右裏拳縦回し打                             左拳左腰

Migi ashi mae kosa dachi, Migi uraken tatemawashi uchi, Saken hidari koshi



39挙動         右前屈立           右中段内受      

Migi zenkutsu dachi, Migi chudan uchi uke


40挙動         右前屈立           左中段逆突      

Migi zenkutsu dachi, Hidari chudan gyaku zuki


41挙動         右前屈立           右拳中段突       左拳左腰          

Migi zenkutsu dachi, Uken chudan zuki, Saken hidari koshi



42挙動         右前屈立           左手首後方中段掛受   右拳右腰           左脚立 左掌に右中段三日月蹴              回転飛び                     右脚前屈                           腕立て

Migi zenkutsu dachi, Hidari tekubi koho chudan kake uke, Uken migi koshi, Hidari ashi dachi, Hidari sho ni migi chudan mikazuki geri, Kaiten tobi, Migi ashi zenkutsu, Ude tate



43挙動         右後屈立 (低め)              左手刀下段受  右手刀胸前構 (低め)   

Migi kokutsu dachi (hikume), Hidari shuto gedan uke, Migi shuto mune mae gamae  (hikume)


44挙動         左後屈立           右手刀中段受

Hidari kokutsu dachi, Migi shuto chudan uke



45挙動         左前屈立           左中段内受

Hidari zenkutsu dachi     Hidari chudan uchi uke



46挙動         右前屈立           右中段追突

Migi zenkutsu dachi, Migi chudan oi zuki



47挙動         右前屈立           右中段内受

Migi zenkutsu dachi        Migi chudan uchi uke



48挙動         左前屈立           左中段追突 (気合)

Hidari zenkutsu dachi     Hidari chudan oi zuki (KIAI)



直れ                     八字立 両拳大腿前                      

NAORE: Hachiji dachi, Ryo ken daitai mae




REI: Musubi dachi

 © André Bertel. Oita City, Japan (2024).

Wednesday 29 May 2024

Extra practice (outside of daily dojo training)

In addition to daily self-training in the dojo and teaching, in the warmer months (here in Oita basically the entire year except for the coldest periods of winter) I also like to practice outdoors.

Today in both the dojo, and outside, I primarily worked on Tekki Shodan, Enpi, Jion and Kihon (Jissen kumite no kihon, to be specific); but also, Bassai Sho and Unsu.

Many people have asked that post more about these informal practices that supplement my daily dojo training; hence, this post today.

Best wishes for your karate journey!



André Bertel, May 29th, 2024.

© André Bertel. Oita City, Japan (2024).