Friday 28 June 2019

Upcoming 'IKS1' BUDO KARATE SEMINAR in Halle (Westfalen), Germany

My final teaching, outside of Japan, in 2019 will be the 'IKS1' BUDO GASSUKU in Westphalia, Germany. It will occur on September 14th and 15th

This event will be the first official seminar of the International Karate Shotokan outside Japan; hence, the acronym ‘IKS1’. That being said, it is open to all practitioners of Karate: irrespective of affiliation.

Securing a place at IKS1
The only limitation is numbers, therefore, if you wish to secure a place—it is highly recommended that you book early. This can be done by contacting:

This will be a particularly technical course this time, not so physically hard, but you will need a means to take notes!

Application for IKS Dan Examination
For those wishing to attempt Dan Examination you can email me directly at:

See you soon in Halle, Westphalia, Germany for an awesome Budo Karate event and wonderful time!! Greetings from Japan’s  'tsuyu' (rainy season). Osu, André

© André Bertel. Oita City, Japan (2019).

Saturday 22 June 2019


I've been alerted by a few hundred people, over the last few days, that this blog just had its 12th Anniversary. Thank you all very much for this support.
POST ONE -- JUNE 19th, 2007

While this website/blog will never be so big - as it is not a part of mainstream commercial karate - it's still had a couple of people follow it.

Consequently, I'm really happy that so many practitioners, from all around the world, are training and primarily seeking karate as an effective and serious martial art of self-defense. 

Most appropriately, my next seminar outside of Japan will be IKS-1. This seminar will begin a group of trainings around the world that will share knowledge never taught outside the most elite Shotokan dojo (plural) here in Japan before.


This will be INTERNATIONAL KARATE SHOTOKAN's ( 国 際 空 手 道 松 濤 館 ) first international Gasshuku outside Japan. It will be hosted in Halle, Westphalia Germany, in September of this year. This event, will be very valuable for those who attend and will begin the opening of a new phase of Budo Karate knowledge distribution from my late teacher. 

More information will come soon!!!

© André Bertel. Oita City, Japan (2019).

Friday 21 June 2019

Trainee from Lübeck, Germany: Jan Kohberg

Jan Kohberg from Lübeck, Germany, came for four days of intensive technical training this week. 

His objective was to learn effective budo karate applications, which covered each day via the connectivity between Kihon, Kata and Jissen Kumite/Goshin-jutsu (real fighting/self-defense).
To initiate this process the six shitei-gata were used, for the fundamental base, followed by a request for Kakuyoku and Enpi. Overall, I saw Jan’s level greatly improve each day and was impressed by his eager willingness to learn and, indeed, his physical effort.  

To wrap up I’d like to congratulate Jan on his progression and wish him all the best for his ongoing martial arts development. For those interested in coming to Japan for instructor and/or elite training as a Renshusei, please read the information below

© André Bertel. Oita City, Japan (2019).


Renshusei training purposes...While being a renshusei is not really hard training, like daily dojo practice is—but it is very technical—as the purpose is two-fold: (1) to greatly enhance each trainees ability/skill level; and (2) to pass on 'closed door knowledge' from Japan. 

Application...For those wishing to apply to be Renshusei (here at my dojo in Oita City) you must book well in advance to avoid disappointment. As a general rule, it is highly advisable to check my availability then secure the available days, and times, at least three months in advance. This can be done by emailing directly me at:

Tuesday 18 June 2019

Sunday 16 June 2019

International Seminar in Braga, Portugal (PART II): DOJO PROFILE

In this post I am going to provide a DOJO PROFILE about the host club of my recent seminars in Braga, Portugal. I 
would like to thank Francisco Pinto Sensei for providing this and also Tiago Gomes for his assistance.

Karate Braga hosted my first seminar in Portugal on June 8th and 9th.

DOJO PROFILE: `Karate Braga – Portugal`

Karate Braga was established in January of 2001


The chief instructor is Francisco Pinto (4th Dan);
Instructor assistants are Paulo Narciso (3rd Dan); and Rui Moreira and Agostinho Costa, whom both have the rank of 2nd Dan.

Dojo’s location:

Semelhe's Cultural Center of Parish Council
Address: Rua do Souto nº8    4705-363 Semelhe – Braga - Portugal. GPS 41.554682,-8.460353     Maps

Training days:

Monday, Wednesday and Friday (Saturday and Sunday with appointment).

Training schedule: 

Beginner's class from 19:00 - 20:00.

Graded members class from 20:00 - 21:00 (Friday: until 21:30).

Information and images:

© André Bertel. Oita City, Japan (2019).

Friday 14 June 2019

International Seminar in Braga, Portugal (PART I): NEWSPAPER

I'm now back in Japan after giving my first seminar in Braga, Portugal. To preview the upcoming impressions, images and YOUTUBE video, here are some Newspaper Articles. You can click on these to enlarge them for better viewing.

Stay tuned, more to come soon!!

© André Bertel. Oita City, Japan (2019).