Between April 17th and 19th,
three karateka from JKA Germany came for training at my private dojo: Peter
Lampe (4th Dan), Frank Kölher (3rd Dan) and Rainer Schöne
(1st Kyu). Peter, Frank and Rainer completed two hours of private
lessons on Friday evening, three hours on Saturday, and two hours on Sunday;
furthermore, informal practice and explanations were given outside of the dojo
as well. This included trips to the famous Aso Jinja; Kokuzou Jinja where I
regularly self-train; Kumamoto Castle; the grave of the legendary swordsman Musashi
Miyamoto; and to Shototakuhirokan (my instructor, Nakamura Masamitsu Shihan’s
dojo), which serves as the `Central Kumamoto City Branch of the Japan Karate
Association’. Due to their excellent manners, Nakamura Shihan even invited them
for tea in the dojo and greatly enjoyed talking to them.
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TSUKIWAZA AND UCHIWAZA: (1) Choku-zuki (use of `snap energy’ and
seiken); (2) Gyaku-zuki and (3) Kizami-zuki (Koshi no kaiten, Tai
no shinshuku and transfer of body weight with snap); (4) Jun-zuki/Oi-zuki (Koshi no kaiten, ashi hakobi and timing); (5) Oi-komi gyaku-zuki (Collision power,
timing, foot positioning and targeting); (6)
Precise use of ‘chikara no kyojaku’
power in uchiwaza (the concept of muchiken with shuto and haito); and (7) Jun kaiten vs. Gyaku kaiten—via the
teaching of correct kaiten uraken/kaiten enpi.
UKEWAZA: The basic ukewaza of Shotokan with
focus on the following points: (a) Position of the elbows; (b)
use of tekubi/the wrist; (c)
Movement—avoiding `over action’ and correct distance of the ukewaza from the
body; (d) projecting the energy
forward; and (e) `optimal
KERIWAZA: The main focus was mae-geri keage; however, the points
given (in relation to the use of energy in tsukiwaza) perfectly applies to all
of the other kicks of Karate-Do. Yoko geri kekomi was also briefly shown/detailed
in this regard: Here is an overview of we covered: (i) Josokutei/Koshi action; (ii)
Kicking forward the rear and high/tight compression; (iii) applying the bodyweight whilst maintaining lateral and
vertical posture; (iv) Ratio of
speed in hiki-ashi: 30:70; and again, like tsukiwaza and uchiwaza, (v) correct use of power.
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I first met Peter in 2010 when teaching my first Karate-Do Seminar in Ahrensburg, Germany. |
CORRECT KUMITE: Applying everything applied and the perfect
interrelationship’ between kihon, kumite and kata: the technical essence of
Traditional Japanese Budo Karate. The
maxim that “jissen-kumite (actual fighting effectiveness) is the heart of karate
technique” was constantly emphasised. In order to achieve this, Gohon Kumite,
Kihon Ippon Kumite and ‘Jiyu kumite no uchikomi’ (focusing on hand attacks)
were utilised.
Kokuzou Jinja, Aso-shi. |
© André Bertel. Aso-shi, Kumamoto, Japan