Friday, 17 January 2025

得意技 (TOKUI-WAZA) and a more important point

André Bertel - January (2025) - Kangeiko.

There is a major misunderstanding about 得意技 (TOKUI-WAZA) in present-day karate and, the problem is, how “… most karateka rate people’s technical level mostly by appearance”. That is, by external performance.

This misunderstanding is FATAL for anyone seeking authentic karate; that is karate, which is optimally reliable in actual self-defense. I need to expand on that... Optimally effective against a strong and violent attacker.

Please understand, KARATE MUST BE HIGHLY EFFECTIVE!!!!!!!!! Otherwise, NO MEANING!!!!!! Karate is not a game; it is life or death in an unprovoked attack.

In 武道空手 (Budo Karate), which is the authentic art of Karate, technique is literally 武術わざ (Bujutsu-waza). To clarify what this, “bujutsu-waza constantly seeks to achieve 一撃必殺 (Ichigeki-hissatsu).

Therefore, the Tokui-Waza must literally epitomize this functionality.

Let’s consider the tokui-waza of some of the Shotokan legends. Consider instructors like Enoeda Keinosuke Sensei’s 突き (Tsuki), Tanaka Masahiko Sensei’s 刻み蹴り(Kizami-geri), or Asai Tetsuhiko Sensei’s use of 転身 (Tenshin) and 鞭拳 (Muchiken).

I often see instructors copying the movements of such masters, yet from a professional perspective, clearly just having a ‘photocopy’ of the real thing.

The fact is, Tokui-waza requires total dedication of training to become truly effective, and this includes intensive impact training, and various evaluative systems to monitor development and reccession. Within this formula 自由組手 (Jiyu Kumite) is utterly imperative and, even though it’s not the same as real fighting, it is neccesary to develop the critical skill sets against non-compliant training partner.

Considering the above three masters, Enoeda, Tanaka and Asai, all three could immediately finish any opponent with their Tokui-waza. This is what a true tokui-waza is

I feel really sad that so many karateka have lost the traditional understandings of karate. Accordingly, many Japanese Shotokan legends here in Japan have encouraged me to spread the truth.

Here in the Dojo there will be many Renshusei, and some Renshusei from other countries. We need to work together to keep TRADITIONAL KARATE alive and well. This is a very big job, as many who appear to teach traditional karate are actually nothing more than dancers.

This year, IKS 国際空手道松濤館 (International Karate Shotokan) will work closely with our Shoto, Goju, Shito, Wado and other ryuha friends to preserve Budo/Bujutsu Karate, which is reflective of one’s tokuiwaza.


©︎ André Bertel. Oita City, Japan (2025).

Thursday, 16 January 2025

1st André Bertel POLAND SEMINAR:

I’ll be conducting my first International Budo Karate Seminar in Szczecin, POLAND on MAY 17th and 18th.

It will be hosted by Klub Karate Pomerania Szczecin.

To ensure that you secure your place at the seminar, contact the organizers at

Greetings from Oita City, Japan. See you in Poland!

©︎ André Bertel. Oita City, Japan (2025).

Wednesday, 15 January 2025

Four Seminars outside Japan in 2025

If another Seminar -- outside Japan -- is booked in last quarter of 2025 (October, November or December), we will update you here, on this site and link it via other social media platforms.

 However, thus far, the International Seminars are as follows (you can click on the poster to enlarge the details):

Again, my advice is, if you wish to attend ANY of these events: BOOK EARLY with the organizers, as people always miss out - as they are ALWAYS completely sold out.

February — CHRISTCHURCH, New Zealand.

May — POMERANIAPoland.

July — VOHENSTRAUß / BAVARIA, Germany.

September — WILDAU / BRANDENBURG, Germany.

As the above poster states: Each seminar will be VERY DIFFERENT, different Kata, different Oyo (Applications) and different Budo/Bujutsu Principles.



André Bertel

7th Dan

International Karate Shotokan


Oita City, JAPAN 




© André Bertel. Oita City, Japan (2025).

Tuesday, 14 January 2025


Karate Optimization by André Bertel-Sensei


Methods themselves are weaponsThey are all just sides of one active, fighting and charged life. Oswald Spengler, Man and Technics, 1931.



In this piece, I will go into details about Andre Bertel-sensei's Karate optimization training as I have recently experienced itup front and personally, in one-on-one training at Bertel-senseis office, the Oita Budo Sports Center