I just had the pleasure to once again have Andrea Haesusler Sensei and Torsten
Uhlemann Sensei (from Munster, Germany) here in Oita. They came for three evenings of high-level training with me. I`ll provide a brief rundown of some of the key points
covered during their time here. However, I will not list everything nor give so much detail, as this belongs to them: for putting themselves on the line at my dojo.
SESSION ONE: Sunday, April 8th (8pm—10pm)
v Kihon—focus, how to achieve maximum
speed and, simultaneously, max transfer of weight.
of oi-zuki (attacking with stance movement/transition).
of gyaku-zuki (attacking with stance movement/transition).
of jodan age-uke, also second major form of jodan age-uke with application.
and application of chudan ude-uke (uchi-uke and soto-uke)
of chudan shuto-uke and kokutsu-dachi (also movement one of Heian Nidan, with
the same concept).
correct `fixed` use of the hips in stationary mae-geri. Increasing kicking snap
and perfected application counter-kicking.
study: Timing of the hands and feet. Selected movements from (a) Heian Yondan;
(b) Kanku-Dai; (c) Sochin; (d) Unsu. Proof of these points in practical
request from Torsten: Unsu Kata. In brief, (1) `Setting keito`; (2) The fixing
of the head and rear foot—avoiding `floating` with the four
tate-shuto/gyaku-zuki; (3) Correction and optimal application of fuse
mawashi-geri and coming up from the ground; (4) Haito-uchi kara mae-geri, jodan
soto-uke soshite gyaku-zuki—head setting, haito trajectory and corrected use of
ashi-kubi in prerfect harmony with koshi no kaiten (case study: Kanku Dai and,
later in the lesson, Heian Yondan); (5) Gedan-zuki and gedan uke-zuki
clarification; (6) Jodan haito-uke and gyaku-zuki—use of hiki-te and the
trajectory of gyaku-zuki in kiba-dachi; and (7) the moderation of fudo-dachi
when transitioning to zenkutsu-dachi: with jodan age-uke kara chudan gyaku-zuki
(movements 47 and 48—also related back to the four same stance transitions
earlier in Unsu.
SESSION TWO: Monday, April 9th (6pm—8pm)
and gyaku-zuki with tenshin: Focus on the changing of the seichusen,
kakato-chushin, tsumasaki and koshi no kaiten. Ground power combined with
previous but with teisho.
snap exercise with enpi-uchi. Single arm practice then the more difficult
two-arm variation. Relationship between ushiro enpi-uchi and uraken
tatemawashi-uchi; furthermore, otoshi enpi-uchi. Case study: Heian Yondan Kata—movements
11 to 13.
point of Enpi Kata fundaments for effective renzokuwaza. In particular
`extension—pull through`, ground power and use of juryoku (gravity). Using this
example for other karate applications. Special analysis of age-zuki.
request from Andreas: Nijushiho Kata. Special focus on correct yori-ashi in
combination with technique to maximize impact. The timing of tsukami uke and
correct executing of haito sotomawshi uchi were also taught in detail. This was
concluded with key oyo (applications) corresponding with the fundamental
corrections taught in detail.
Gohon Kumite: Defending with stance and movement; and attacking with stance and
movement. Extension/Advancements of this with tobi-konde. Controlling maai.
Ippon Kumite: slow motion with concentration on perfect kihon. Whilst Gohon is
to drop and step back, Kihon Ippon is to drop to a place where ones maai is
perfect for a hangekiwaza (counterattack).
Kumite: Only two focus points—only attack with the correct maai and only attack
with full large scale techniques. `Lose magnificently`. Only oi-komi gyaku was
of Jiyu Ippon Kumite: my only focus was to recapitulate the maai of the
attacker as covered in Jiyu Kumite. In Budo Karate/Bujutsu Karate, maai must
not be to score but, rather, to make maximum impact.
request from Torsten: Unsu Kata no tobi-kaiten. Basically, the main point
covered was tai no shinshuku and correct and specifically focused use of ground
Fuse mawashi-geri... Level up!!! Photo courtesy of Andrea and Torsten. |
conclude some key fundamental points of tachikata and unsoku were covered.
Also, the `from behind` mae-geri and ushiro-geri of Asai Sensei.
SESSION THREE: Tuesday, April 10th (6pm—8pm)
v Kihon—key points based on my
evaluation during Sessions One and Two.
up points of Nijushiho Kata.
request from Torsten: Kihon-gata ‘Junro Yondan’ and Koten-gata Kakuyoku Nidan.
review and clarification of key points from all three sessions.
To sum up, Andrea and Torsten are really lovely people; furthermore, they are serious about their developing their own karate-skill levels and openly sharing their knowledge with their students. This statement is proven by them regularly coming here to Japan to train and study authentic Budo (Martial Arts) Karate. Based on this, I believe that those who learn from them at them--at their dojo, in Germany, 'Karateschule Fuji San Munster'--are very fortunate.
Andrea and Torsten, my family and I wish you a wonderful time for
your remaining days here in Japan!
Osu, André Bertel
© André Bertel. Oita City, Japan (2018).