Kata: Presently I'm especially focused on the following three kata: (1) Empi; (2) Unsu; and (3) Kakuyoku-nidan. However, in addition to these, I'm also ‘lightly covering’ the five Heian, Tekki-shodan (paired up with Kibaken-shodan), and the five Junro for fundmental practice.
Kaeshi ippon kumite: I've been neglecting kaeshi ippon kumite for quite a while, therefore my current kumite training regime is 100% dedicated to this form of practice. The key points that I'm polishing include full and fluid use of koshi no kaiten precisely coordinated with tai no shinshuku. My aim is ensure both attacks and the defence are decisively effective, with special attention being given to the first attack, and the full hip torque (and compression) for the final attack. Essentially hit to finish, cover/block/deflect any potential counter, then hit again with a second finishing blow. Summed up in three words... Kihon, kihon, kihon! And no, I haven't got a 'Arkwright stutter'.
Summary of my practice thus far in July: Technically this month has been very challenging revealing more rough surfaces which need to be sanded down. Returning to extensive ido-kihon training has really forced me to 'once again' fully dissect each technique in the various renzokuwaza (with precise co-ordination of the respective unsoku). On the kata front, the inclusion of Kakuyoku-nidan this month has really been special for me. Asai Sensei made me enthusiastic about all three Kakuyoku, and in-particular this one. I'm practising Kakuyoku-nidan in preparation for the Second Anniversary of Asai Sensei's Passing. In addition to my technical training I've been ending roughly half of my daily self-practices with strength work; namely a few hundred front and side deep squats (this is in addition to the one hundred kneeling squats in my kihon-keiko with gyaku zuki), and large numbers of seiken pushups. This has taken its toll on my recovery times, however, I'm hopeful this will improve in the coming weeks. On the days pri
A big "Osu" to you all from hot and humid Kyushu!
© André Bertel, Japan 2008
© André Bertel, Japan 2008