2015 is now quickly coming to an end. Like all years, my karate schedule has been very busy: especially here in Japan. Outside of Nippon, I also travelled twice and gave two international seminars, the first in my home-country New Zealand; and the second, in Germany (which amazingly sold out with only three weeks notice!!!). Competition-wise, I won the Men's Individual Kata at the 34th JKA Kumamoto Prefecture Karate-Do Championships. On the training front I enjoyed attending several excellent seminars and had several renshusei (trainees) from overseas visit my dojo: in this regard please my visit my 'Renshusei' page (which is, and will continue to be, regularly updated when new trainees are accepted and complete their training): http://andrebertel.blogspot.jp/2015/10/foreign-renshusei-trainees.html. For those wishing to come to Japan for training in 2016, please email me at: andrebertelono@gmail.com. I recommend weekends and applying to be a renshusei at least two months in advance. I could go on about 2015, but rather than do that, I have provided direct links for this years articles with titles/descriptions to aid your navigation. Seasons greetings from Oita City, Japan. Osu, André
1. New Zealand Seminar Video: January 2015: http://andrebertel.blogspot.jp/2015/01/new-zealand-seminar-video-january-2015.html
1. New Zealand Seminar Video: January 2015: http://andrebertel.blogspot.jp/2015/01/new-zealand-seminar-video-january-2015.html
2. Being in the moment: http://andrebertel.blogspot.jp/2015/01/being-in-moment.html
3. Preparatory exercises for Karate-Do: http://andrebertel.blogspot.jp/2015/02/preparatory-exercises-for-karate-do.html
4. The criticality of jiyu kumite in relation to kihon, kata, and the truth of one's skill: http://andrebertel.blogspot.jp/2015/02/the-criticality-of-jiyu-kumite-in.html
5. Kihon Ippon Kumite (Kiri Kaeshi): http://andrebertel.blogspot.jp/2015/03/kihon-ippon-kumite-kiri-kaeshi.html
6. March training regime: 'Marching' towards the JKA Kumamoto Prefecture Championships: http://andrebertel.blogspot.jp/2015/03/march-training-regime-marching-towards.html
7. Private lesson for Higo Tyler San: http://andrebertel.blogspot.jp/2015/03/private-lesson-for-higo-tyler-san.html
9. Yoko geri keage: a revealing technique: http://andrebertel.blogspot.jp/2015/04/yoko-geri-keage-revealing-technique.html
Jodan mawashi-geri |
11. Key terminology for the traditional kumite match: http://andrebertel.blogspot.jp/2015/04/key-terminology-for-traditional-kumite.html
12. The 34th JKA Kumamoto Prefecture Championships: http://andrebertel.blogspot.jp/2015/04/34th-kumamoto-prefecture-championships.html
In 34 years, since its beginnings, a non Japanese has never won at the Kumamoto Prefecture Championships. That changed this year. |
Team photo - post prefectural championship. Credit to Nakamura Sensei, a junior at Taku Dai of my late teacher Asai Tetsuhiko Sensei. |
16. The core unsoku of Karate-Do: http://andrebertel.blogspot.jp/2015/05/the-core-unsoku-of-karate-do.html
17. Ryu Goto - World famous violinist and superb Budo Karateka: http://andrebertel.blogspot.jp/2015/05/ryu-goto-world-famous-violinist-and.html
18. Training in Fukuoka with Ryu Goto: http://andrebertel.blogspot.jp/2015/06/training-in-fukuoka-with-ryu-goto.html
19. Trainees from Australia's Sunshine Coast: Noel and Heidi Moralde: http://andrebertel.blogspot.jp/2015/06/trainees-from-australias-sunshine-coast.html
20. Shizentai: Hachiji-dachi: http://andrebertel.blogspot.jp/2015/06/shizentai-hachiji-dachi.html
21. 8th Anniversary of `André Bertel’s Karate-Do’: http://andrebertel.blogspot.jp/2015/06/8th-anniversary-of-andre-bertels-karate.html
Sudden course in Germany - sold out in three weeks!!! Looking forward to Ahrensburg, Blackpool and Venice in 2016!!! |
22. 2015 Seminar in Krefeld, Germany: http://andrebertel.blogspot.jp/2015/07/2015-seminar-in-germany.html
2015 Germany Seminars: Part 1: http://andrebertel.blogspot.jp/2015/08/2015-germany-seminars-part-1.html
23. Andre Bertel Traditional Karate Seminar - Germany 2015 (Part 2): http://andrebertel.blogspot.jp/2015/08/andre-bertel-traditional-karate-seminar.html
24. 2015 Seminar in Germany (Part 3) - Notes from Andrea Haeusler Sensei: http://andrebertel.blogspot.jp/2015/08/2015-seminar-in-germany-part-3-notes.html
25. Final training the JKA Kumamoto Chuo Dojo - Shototakuhirokan: http://andrebertel.blogspot.jp/2015/08/final-training-at-jka-kumamoto-chuo.html
26. Seido Karate Christchurch (New Zealand) - 50th Anniversary: http://andrebertel.blogspot.jp/2015/08/seido-karate-christchurch-new-zealand.html
27. Back to the Fundamentals - A restart with relocation: http://andrebertel.blogspot.jp/2015/09/back-to-fundamentals-restart-with.html
28. Power flow - the outcome of junansei: http://andrebertel.blogspot.jp/2015/09/power-flow-outcome-of-junansei.html
29. Choku-zuki: http://andrebertel.blogspot.jp/2015/10/choku-zuki.html
30. Trainees from Western Australia: http://andrebertel.blogspot.jp/2015/10/trainees-from-western-australia.html
31. Budo Karate or Non-Budo Karate: http://andrebertel.blogspot.jp/2015/11/budo-karate-true-or-non-budo-karate.html
Every day I am a beginner restarting Karate-Do. Yesterday, I was weaker than today, and tomorrow I'll be stronger with perseverance. The never-completed journey of Karate-Do. |
33. Formal Announcement of 2016 Technical Seminars in Germany, England and Italy: http://andrebertel.blogspot.jp/2015/11/andre-bertel-europe-karate-do-seminar.html
34. Kumamoto Training (Visiting Nakamura Shihan and conducting a special training): http://andrebertel.blogspot.jp/2015/11/kumamoto-training.html
35. List of Foreign-renshusei at my dojo (updated to conclude 2016): http://andrebertel.blogspot.jp/2015/10/foreign-renshusei-trainees.html
Andre Bertel European Tour - Summer 2016: http://andrebertel.blogspot.jp/2015/12/andre-bertel-european-tour-summer-2016.html
36. My current self-training regime: http://andrebertel.blogspot.jp/2015/12/my-current-self-training-regime.html
© André Bertel. Oita, Japan (2015).