Wednesday 1 September 2021

First set of 40 over

Yesterday I celebrated 40 years of practicing Karate-Do. In this regard, I need to thank so many people for their amazing support. Literally, no one can do this on their own. Here is my self-training, today, on this first day of the Japanese Autumn. I also hope that it is my first day of my ‘second set’ of 40 years. 押忍, André

基本 (KIHON)

1.    Heiko-zuki (Shizentai).


2.    Jodan uchi-uke (koten uchi-uke) kara kizami mae-geri (Nekoashi-dachi).


3.    Niren choku-zuki (Kiba-dachi) kara sonoba naname gyaku-zuki (Zenkutsu-dachi), zenshin gyaku-zuki, koutai gyaku-zuki, sonoba naname gyaku-zuki, zenshin gyaku-zuki, koutai gyaku-zuki, choku-zuki (Kiba-dachi), mae tobi-konde choku-zuki soshite ushiro tobi-konde choku-zuki.


4.    Gedan-barai kara chudan oi-zuki (Fundamentals from Heian Shodan kata).


5.    Gedan-barai kara jodan age-uke/chudan soto-uke (Fundamentals from the ‘Jo no kata exercise’).



I.                  序の型 (Jo no kata)

II.              鉄騎初段 (Tekki Shodan)

III.           鉄騎二段  (Tekki Nidan)

IV.          抜賽大 (Bassai Dai)

V.              旋花 (Senka)

 組手  (KUMITE)

Iriguchi-waza followed by a kansetsu-waza:

a.    Gedan-barai

b.    Jodan age-uke

c.     Chudan soto-uke


Level up practice: — Extension of this training firstly, using the kihon of the ‘Jo no kata exercise’; secondly, using the Tegumi (手組) or Mutō  (無刀) drills and principles of Tekki; thirdly, the henka-waza (変化技of Bassai-Dai; and fourthly, adding tenshin (転身to these elements via Senka.


© André Bertel. Oita City, Japan (2021).

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