Tuesday 4 July 2023

André Bertel July 2023 Training Regime

My current training routine typically contains ‘the 3 K’s—基本 (Kihon), 型 (Kata) and 組手 (Kumite)—the technical ‘Trinity of Karatedo’. In the case of kihon I’m practicing a mix of 20 waza/renwaza. 12 of these are その場基本 (stationary fundamentals) and the other eight are 移動基本 (fundamentals on the move). For kata, I’m currently focused on five (four set, and one random/interchangeable daily). And lastly, in the case of kumite I’m having my regular stint of 返し一本組手 (Kaeshi Ippon Kumite). To clarify, I do this as it greatly sharpens the ability to attack with high efficiency, and just “…let the attack do its own thing”; thereby, allowing us to focus on kime in our secondary attack or defend and counter the opponents counter. In sum, it’s training attack and defense/counterattack simultaneously. If one possesses tradition budo/bujutsu waza, this methodology is highly effective in both dojo kumite, shiai and the real world. Today, I will not add sets and reps but, rather, emphasize that I’m training according to my daily condition in these regards. However, each day's self-training is no less than two hours in duration. Okay! So, let’s get on to it. 

押忍 (OSU)!! — AB.







Nakadaka ippon-ken chudan choku-zuki (Heiko-dachi)



Nakadaka ippon-ken jodan choku-zuki (Heiko-dachi)


 三本連突き (平行立ち)

Sanbon ren-zuki (Heiko-dachi)


 中段前蹴り蹴上げ (閉足立ち)

Chudan mae-geri keage (Heisoku-dachi)



Hidari kizami-zuki kara migi jodan gyaku-zuki (Hidari zenkutsu-dachi)



Migi kizami-zuki kara hidari jodan gyaku-zuki (Migi zenkutsu-dachi)


 左中段刻み前蹴りから右上段前蹴り蹴上げ (左前屈立ち)

Hidari chudan kizami mae-geri kara migi jodan mae-geri keage (Hidari zenkutsu-dachi)


 右中段刻み前蹴りから左上段前蹴り蹴上げ (右前屈立ち)

Migi chudan kizami mae-geri kara hidari jodan mae-geri keage (Migi zenkutsu-dachi)


 上段揚げ受けから中段外受け、中段内受け、下段払いそして手刀中段受け (平行立ち)

Jodan age-uke kara chudan soto-uke, chudan uchi-uke, gedan-barai soshite shuto chudan-uke (Heiko-dachi)


 裏拳上段縦回し打ちから裏拳上段横回し打ちそして回転裏拳 (平行立ち)

Uraken jodan tatemawashi uchi kara uraken jodan yokomawashi uchi soshite kaiten-uraken (Heiko-dachi)


 縦猿臂から後ろ猿臂、前猿臂、横猿臂そして回転猿臂 (平行立ち)

Tate-enpi kara ushiro-enpi, mae-enpi, yoko-enpi soshite kaiten-enpi  (Heiko-dachi)


 手刀上段外回し打ちから手刀上段内回し打ち、手刀縦落とし打ち、背刀上段外回し打ちそして回転手刀上段内回し打ち (平行立ち)

Shuto jodan sotomawashi uchi kara shuto jodan uchimawashi uchi, shuto tateotoshi uchi, haito jodan sotomawashi uchi soshite kaiten shuto jodan uchimawashi uchi (Heiko-dachi)





  刻み突きから三本連突き (自由立ちから前屈立ち)

Kizami-zuki kara sanbon ren-zuki (Jiyu-dachi kara zenkutsu-dachi)


  上段揚げ受けから中段前蹴り蹴上げそして中段逆突き (前屈立ち)

Jodan age-uke kara chudan mae-geri keage soshite chudan gyaku-zuki (Zenkutsu-dachi)


  中段外受けから横猿臂、裏拳横回し打ちそして中段逆突き (前屈立ちから騎馬立ちそして前屈立ち)

Chudan soto-uke kara yoko-enpi soshite uraken yokomawashi uchi (Zenkutsu-dachi kara kiba-dachi soshite zenkutsu-dachi)


 手刀中段受けから刻み前蹴りそして縦四本貫手 (後屈立ちから前屈立ち)

Shuto chudan-uke kara kizami mae-geri soshite tateshihon-nukite (Kokutsu-dachi kara zenkutsu-dachi)


 下段払いから中段内受け、前手上段裏突きそして縦拳中段逆突き (前屈立ちから猫足立ちそして前屈立ち)

Gedan-barai kara chudan uchi-uke, maete jodan ura-zuki soshite tateken chudan gyaku-zuki (Zenkutsu-dachi kara nekoashi-dachi soshite zenkutsu-dachi)


  中段前蹴り蹴上げから上段追い突きそして中段逆突き (自由立ちから前屈立ち)

Chudan mae-geri keage kara jodan oi-zuki soshite chudan gyaku-zuki (Jiyu-dachi kara zenkutsu-dachi)


 連蹴り:中段刻み前蹴りから中段前蹴り蹴上げそして上段前蹴り蹴上げ (前屈立ち)

Ren-geri: Chudan kizami mae-geri kara chudan mae-geri soshite jodan mae-geri keage (Zenkutsu-dachi)



Kizami-zuki kara gyaku-zuki, choku-zuki, oi-zuki soshite gyaku-zuki (Jiyu-dachi kara zenkutsu-dachi)




  平安初段 (Heian Shodan) or 太極初段 (Taikyoku Shodan)


   鉄騎 (One from the Tekki: Shodan, Nidan or Sandan)


   拔塞大 (Bassai Dai)


   慈恩 (Jion)


  自由型 (Free Kata: selected for fun or based on the sessions learnings/focal points). For example, this week included 珍手 (Chinte), 気法拳一勢 (Kihouken Issei) and 騎馬拳 (Kibaken).




返し一本組手 (Kaeshi Ippon Kumite).


I have only been practicing level three Kaeshi Ippon, but in order to explain it, here’s also a description of levels one and two.


 Level One: the kogeki (attacks) are set, as in ‘standard jiyu ippon kumite’ {jodan oizuki, chudan oi-zuki, chudan mae-geri, chudan yoko-kekomi, chudan or jodan mawashi-geri and chudan ushiro-geri}; however, the hangeki (counterattack) must either be chudan or jodan gyaku-zuki. The initial attacker then defends and counters against either of these counter attacks. In sum, the initial attacker counters the defender's counterattack.


 Level Two: This is the same as level one with the exception that the hangeki is jiyu-waza (free technique). This is the most commonly practiced form of Kaeshi Ippon Kumite.


 Level Three: In this variation, which is what I’m actually practicing at present, the initial attack is also free and not announced. Needless to say, this training is really “…on the edge of becoming jiyu-kumite, whilst bridging strongly to the core fundamentals.”


  © André Bertel. Oita City, Japan (2023).

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