Thursday 1 August 2024

Saturated Dogi

 I completed my first daily self-training for August today.  It was an extremely hard two-hour session due to the sweltering heat and practice content; that being said, and on a positive note, the warm-up was VERY easy!!! 

Besides Ido-kihon I practiced the kata Junro Shodan, Chinte, Hyakuhappo (the Shotokan-Ryu version of Suparinpei) and Maizuru Dai. For kumite, my focus was on the timing tsuki-waza; in particular, in combination with body-shifting and head movement.

To conclude, definitely 100%, my karatedo-gi was the most saturated, thus far, this year!


© André Bertel. Oita City, Japan (2024).

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